Stephanie Brown

Apr 22 at 12:43 PM

Katlin Kilgore like greed power addiction etc…. All lower consciousness being


Apr 22 at 12:11 PM

Katlin Kilgore being in ego lower consciousness


Apr 22 at 07:13 AM

So reptilians is our reptilian brain and it’s a lower state of consciousness but actually reptilians are not real in the sense that I feel you are thinking


Commented on Different ET species

Apr 09 at 09:36 AM

Where is a link to this page so I can read all of them?

Apr 07 at 01:08 PM

King of Prussia, PA

Apr 05 at 09:28 PM

UNIFYD TV so the earthquake was natural?

Apr 05 at 09:27 PM

UNIFYD TV So the earthquake was natural?


Apr 05 at 11:44 AM

I felt it and that’s what I was thinking about the underground tunnels being blown up by TLS


Lara Cole I just started putting just a drop of organic lobelia in my dogs water and I’ll let you know how it goes