Apr 23 at 09:38 AM

Is this a person you know personally or a random DM? It is very common for accounts to send people messages like this, driving fear in an attempt to "help" someone and make money. Use your discernment in understanding where this person may be coming from and what feels true for you. Don't let the fear get to you🤍

Apr 23 at 09:17 AM

They should all be available if you type in The Pyramid Code in the search bar and it will bring you to the entire colletion

Apr 23 at 09:14 AM

Hi William, while many people would love to become members of TLS, the only way they are know to get new members is through a recruitment process based on certain genetic gifts that an individual has and how it can help whatever mission they are working on at the time

Replied on Birth Chart

Apr 23 at 09:13 AM

Astrology isn't about predicting the future, but understanding the energies at play, how they might effect us (individually and collectively) and how we can work with them in a positive way



Apr 22 at 12:39 PM

Reality TV had it's very first AI contestant😳

Netflix's "The Circle" aired its 6th season this past week, with a new twist being that one of the contestants is actually a robot.

In a show where contestants can play as anyone they want to be in order to gain popularity among their fellow players, it's unsettling how easily AI is able to fly under the radar and blend in with humans. It definitely has raised fans' suspicion of the authenticity of the AI and if there is more that production is hiding behind it.

AI has been used in the creation of other reality tv shows, but never as part of the game. Do you think it's possible for a game to be played entirely by AI or is this all for entertainment purposes? What would this mean for the future of AI in general and the role it might play in our world?



Apr 22 at 11:10 AM

⁹N∆UTIC∆L⁹⁹⁹N0N§€N§€⁹ nothing wrong with sharing your passions! And I am not saying that you are making anyone angry or there is any issue with the info you are sharing. The literal text in your post says "NOW THIS IS HOW YOU TELL IF YOU'VE BEEN INDOCTRINATED.. DO YOU FEEL ANGRY?? DO YOU FEEL LIKE THIS IS ALL A COINSIDENCE?? DO YOU STILL BELIEVE SCIENCE OVER GOD?? WILL YOU REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE HARD FACTS OF SATANISM IN THE NUMEROLOGY MEASUREMENTS OF THUS GIANT FALSE REALITY THE CABAL CREATED?? ARE YOU ANGRY WITH ME OR THE CREATOR OF THE PODCAST??" ....which is why I was asking if anger was the goal of sharing the info or if there was something more you are hoping happens within people once they have received this information. Is it an emotion, is it just a deeper awakening, or is there a physical act that you want people to take?

Apr 22 at 10:48 AM

It's interesting to think about to when you consider how monks shave their heads

Commented on post was deleted

Apr 22 at 10:41 AM

That is a bold claim😂🤦

Apr 22 at 10:38 AM

Welcome Seth!

Replied on Unifyd TV Trailer

Apr 22 at 10:05 AM

Please reach out to member support and they can look into the situation for you https://44ev6j23bhs.typeform.com/contact-unifyd