Debra Magdalene

Commented on Grounding

Jul 02 at 01:02 PM

Jun 22 at 07:21 PM

My guess would be, probably more good now than bad. But we're all from somewhere else arent we? We're all beings. There is always a positive side and negative side. We must sharpen our discernment in regard to who to trust or not, alien or human.


Mar 22 at 03:26 PM

original Clint Ober


Mar 01 at 10:57 AM

Heber City, Utah


Commented on EcoVillage Community

Oct 14 at 10:19 PM

Hello there!

I'm Debra Magdalene. I live in Utah and came across this a few months ago.

While there is a lot to comprehend here, it may be something that would fit into your plan.

Daniel Lambson is the US ambassador and can be contacted here:

I've spoken to Daniel and he does Zoom meetings, that if you're interested in Im sure he would accomodate.

It would be interesting to me what your thoughts and opinions are of One Small Town.


Sep 16 at 06:15 PM

Not working for me either

Commented on Member

Sep 04 at 10:55 AM

Try clicking on whatever shows on your screen. Thats what I did and I finally got in

Replied on Burning Man

Sep 04 at 10:53 AM

Right....a lot of low energy stuff there for sure..

My estimation is, because Jason's job is to bring the light everywhere, he thoughtfully had a 36 unit EE system designed into artwork and the set it up in a pyramid. This no doubt passed off those opposed to this energy. Not sure why truthers would want to attend but I trust everything is in devine right order.

Commented on Burning Man

Sep 03 at 05:24 PM

The moment I saw that Jason was going to this event, I started praying and calling in all our supporters. This info you just shared (I have no truthsocial) helps with perspective. Thank you again..!! Let's all invision this possible catastrophe coming to an end. No more bs! Enough is enough!


Commented on Burning Man

Sep 03 at 05:02 PM

Thank you! Yes, I saw that with Nino last night and have been visualizing a helicopter going in and getting some people out, especially Jason! Curious if a helicopter came and got him as he was pressed to make it to a scheduled filming?
