Claire Lennon

Apr 08 at 03:48 PM

Ray says the reptiles don’t exist or was it they are harmless . Apparently it’s only us humans that are the problem but dose Ray know everything?


Mar 23 at 06:37 AM

Who’s the healer in London ? I live there and would love to see him


Mar 23 at 04:59 AM

I want to know who the guy in London is because I live here and I would love some Healing.


Mar 23 at 04:58 AM

Who’s the man in London ?? I live there



Jul 30 at 04:10 PM

This was my second time today in the system. I did 2h first time and did 4h today . Had my s bath. Have had a very heavy head . Headache and neck . I know this is the detox. Dose anyone know How long do the detox symptoms last? Im going to bed and I’ve drink 4l of water today to . Hope I feel good tomorrow 🙌🏼❤️I