Angel Milani

Plentywood, MT, United States


Jul 02 at 12:45 AM


Jul 01 at 10:27 AM


Jul 01 at 10:16 AM


Jun 27 at 05:28 AM

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I thought i would put these here :)



Jun 27 at 05:16 AM

This site is really good .. Stop World Control


Jun 27 at 04:58 AM

James French .. Shelly Slingo .. The trust technique.  I loved this video course, and learned so much. I am re watching whole course  to gather anything that I may have not retained the first time.  I plan on applying for the practitioners Course.    It is amazing and beautiful !  I cried through a lot of the videos, but always ended in happy Tears.  James and Shelly are  a great gift in my life, My Pets and my 26 year old " Autistic"  Son.. and the life of SO many animals and the people trying to help them.

This is the link where you can watch the free content.. Hope you enjoy it .

It is so important and changes the lives of so many  suffering animals and people alike.