Roslyn Halperin

Phoenix, AZ, United States

There were american companies who did fund both sides in World War II... Ford made tanks for both sides.. it was the war machine.. they dont care..  forgot other companies but Pharmaceutical companies funded the war as well.. Bayer s German Company used Jewish prisoners.. for free labor.. etc. Also psychiatrists  first killed mentally ill children Read Psychiatrists the Men BEhind HItler.. if i remember correctly some of the camps were former mental institutions.. i read it many years ago..  They told parents a child had died from appendicitis .. but they knew it was a lie because the child had already had his appendix out. just an example... 

my dad was a mason and had 2 sexual type pins  for  his fez hat have tried to research pins just now  and they are not online anywhere...  ??? have no idea what they were or what they were for?  or what they meant ?  and i dont know if they have been thrown away..   makes me suspicious of the real purpose.. have heard its worse the further up a person is in the organization but i have no idea.. my dad died years ago  And well that would be a secret anyway 

most people in the nuremberg trials got off.. read .. Operation PAperclip. i havent read it myself but did read about  it..many NAzis came here  one became head of NASA    For 9-11 look at Architects for 9-11 Truth..    

having been to jail once already i was surprised that whistleblower would agree to say anything..

makes me think that lady who accidentally drove into a pound and drown. knew too much about something she was the one whose company owned the barge that ran into the bridge.. was her car controls turned over without her knowing.. ? was that  CIA ability .. also cars out of control was in the movie Leave the World Behind.  I told my husband that they can spy on us through the computer did not know one could through TV and phone even when off.. !  

she did explain at the end that she doesnt like to speak in absolutes because if people believe something they can create it.. And i think it might create fear taken the wrong way . just my take on that.


i just read about psyhic attacks interesting..i never thought about it before . Also now i sort of  wish i wasnt going to LA in April but well i am glad its all for us and for our good.. and destiny i suppose


Apr 02 at 02:14 PM

Day 2 is day one for replay. Day one Friday night was not recorded.

Apr 02 at 02:13 PM

I did too


Commented on Divine Intervention

Mar 30 at 04:42 AM

i WAs abducted about 30 years ago and now i wonder with th e covid shot making people less likely to conceive i wonder if they will save the human race.. from extinction.. i dont really believe its that bad but maybe having that dna from many people will help at least. if necessary.. I used to believe aliens were all good . But not all people are all good all the time.  I do think some  are helping us to survive. does make me wonder how many are controlled.. to destroy the human race.. but well i think we overcome.--everything is for us to awaken..  according to Course in Miracles. 
