Sherif Osman

Honolulu, HI, United States

Sep 17 at 11:13 PM

Yes. Ismael says that Elon will be seen as a savior and be loved by the masses, but then he will turn on us all.



Sep 17 at 08:05 PM

In one of his recent videos titled "Elon Musk - the Trojan Horse of AI", Ismael Perez had a serious warning about Elon Musk - saying that even the 2.0 version who replaced the original Elon Musk is a non-human bad guy and dangerous. Ismael also warned about Neuralink



Sep 12 at 02:42 PM

Reptillians in the Royal Family?



Sep 11 at 03:39 PM

On 911 never forget that a Nazi traitor was director of the CIA at the time of the plot to murder 3,000 Americans and at the time a plot to start a "bankers war" for profit was hatched. And his son was our president.


Sep 11 at 12:27 PM

On 911 never forget that Rothschild started the state of Israel and that the elites in your government were bought off to assist in murdering 3,000 Americans. Note: I cannot verify what is stated in the screenshots above. Do your own research before accepting it as truth.


Sep 11 at 12:06 PM

Wow, incredible. Yes, many in our government were in on it and decieved the people. Thanks for your service and I'm glad that you were not one of the victims of that sad tragedy.



Sep 11 at 10:00 AM

Never forget 911 - That the mainstream media colluded with the CIA and your government agencies to murder 3,000 Americans and to cover it up, as the military industrial complex started another "bankers war" for profit.

Sep 11 at 09:58 AM

Yes, absolutely.



Sep 11 at 09:34 AM

Never forget 911 - That the CIA and your government agencies murdered 3,000 people to justify starting another "bankers war" for profit... and the media were complicit in the cover up.


Sep 08 at 12:09 PM


Thanks for that info. Unbelievable isn't it. We have been ruled by non-human psychopaths
