Kimberly Kinseth

Aug 25 at 12:09 PM

At this time I believe they are walking with us . They have only good intentions for us and freedom for all planents. Who says they are not the other part of us. Planning to merge with the other fraction of us. Just saying. Love and light to you all.

Jul 30 at 11:02 PM



Jul 19 at 06:58 PM

They are here all around showing they are here with love . Waiting until we all are united in celebration for humanity surviving this 3d to back to remembering who we are and why we came here. Those that are like minded seeing we came to help humanity ascend . Moving into Astro belt for 2,000.00 Years . To live in heaven on earth United as one so below so above .

Commented on 👁

Jul 10 at 07:54 PM

Why is this not published in every paper news media everywhere

Commented on 🧚

Jul 10 at 07:52 PM


Apr 26 at 06:19 PM

Where can I find the two new videos they took down ???

Apr 26 at 05:53 PM

This is great . What another great way to be doing during meditation. Thank you !!


Apr 26 at 05:51 PM

I thought when the dark demonic entities are gone on the 4th , 5th and 6th the negative will be gone . Doesn't that include Google?

Apr 26 at 05:49 PM

Apr 22 at 03:24 PM

I'm so very sorry you seem to believe our earth is flat . We do all have the right to our own beliefs. I want to ask . What evidence have you collected or show it is flat . I'm not honestly at all judging . It's so much easier to let others know any info same as you are asking for . This is our time for the greatness we are all here to experience. I ask what is so much more important love and light and to help others to wake up and help them understand just how much evil our government is trying to do to humanity. We can't give any evil or negative dark ones not any division only show love to each other . We can actual speed up this process to help humanity wake up. Love and light to you and yours . Thank you!