Robin von Bodenhausen

Commented on 👁

Aug 07 at 02:17 PM


May 26 at 06:14 PM

Hey everyone it is now available in Canada on Google Play!

May 24 at 10:10 PM

We’ll, technically Point Pelee is the southern most tip. Lol You get the gist lol


May 24 at 10:08 PM

I’m about 10 minutes south of Essex. Another 20 minutes and your in Leamington which is the southern most point of Ontario. 😀

May 24 at 09:29 PM

Do you know the area down here? I’m close to Windsor but I’m in the county in a town called Cottam near Essex.



May 24 at 01:07 PM

I am so happy to be a part of a like minded community. Peace and blessings to all. Hoping to get a 24 unit EE system here but on waiting list. All good things take time and patience. 🫶😀