Jasmine Dhanjal

Commented on The Earthing Movie

Oct 24 at 05:13 AM

There is grounding and sun gazing that had been around for centuries. I tried both and sun (1 hour as sun rises or sets) and I noticed my appetite reduced


Commented on The Final Word

Oct 24 at 03:28 AM

David's experience is so fascinating! I had similar experience but in a dream. I used to have a reoccurring dream that my house was haunted. In a few dreams, I started to firstly confront the ghost and eventually I remember in 2 dreams I stated to love the ghost. The ghost started taking form of a baby and then a demon like figure. I continued to send love and it went away. It's been probably 15 years since I had that type of dream!

Sep 01 at 01:27 PM

David went through so much abuse but still stuck to his guns. A lot of respect to him

Aug 21 at 04:59 AM

Excellent!! A week is to long to wait 😂 for the next episode

Commented on Science Of Demons

Jul 07 at 01:29 PM

This actually resonates with offering love to the negativity. I occasionally would have dreams of ghosts since I was a kid. As I got older, in my dream, I began to love them. As I sent love and felt safe, I noticed the ghosts would change and become something pleasant. It's much harder in reality to do this!!



Jun 05 at 12:13 PM

I've heard bits of the stories from Hollywood and child trafficking, but this documentary along with Trance has brought this reality to my awareness. It's super hard to know about this, but it takes real courage to look at this, not to mention the real honourable courage of those bringing this out to the masses. But like with healing our own inner demons, this too is something for us to heal as a collective

May 27 at 02:46 PM

It's informative and these things may come to pass. What's key is for us not to judge and go into fear.