Phyllis Bothel

Flandreau, SD, United States

Nov 03 at 03:34 PM

I need help with how to keep  my account  safe 

Oct 10 at 06:57 PM

Thanks Ray and Jason Great show Looking forward for next interview with Ray Tell him he is loved and respected

Commented on NEW episode out now!!!

Sep 06 at 02:50 PM

Jason  please ask your staff 

to think about what they say when they  comment with an email on your part 

I'm deeply hurt and just had to get it said I've tried to reach out to you to express my feelings  


Aug 06 at 07:00 PM

What is this in my emails I also get this on YouTube comments


Commented on TRANCE

Jun 13 at 01:11 AM

Kathy’s story is so powerful She is a strong person and a true hero in my heart

Commented on I’m in love 💜

May 23 at 11:43 PM

Loving this freaking awesome app 


May 23 at 04:38 PM

Awesome news 

Much Love ❤️  to all 
