Noeline White

Morrinsville, New Zealand

Sep 10 at 08:06 PM

New Zealand


Aug 17 at 10:48 PM

Yes loved it, Love the lasted talk with Ray The power of the woman. It is powerful & exciting, gives the spiritual direction im walking more energy, more spark. confirmation from the light to keep going. My marriage didn't last it was draining my spiritual connection & taking me off my parth, my gift from it, is my amazing son. My son & I have had a past life connection. Every day I am greatfull for my son being part of my life. I am excited to learn more from Ray on how to strengthening our connection to the light more powerful. Im also looking forward to Ray telling us about the wisdom of the light, I can feel it will be filled with information that will help us all move forward with our connection to oneness keeping our hearts open & raising our frequencys together which will raise the worlds frequency & vibration.

I feel I have needed to do this last 14 years on my own to completely find my true self connect to my soul & see how powerful the frequency of love energy is & how it can change things. Nothing on the outside is needed just completely connecte to your heart, love frequency & gratitude for the experience is an amazing place to be. My next journey maybe to meet my soulmate & both experiencing living in the love frequency from within, not needing anything from the other person to physically give, to be sending & receiving love at the same time like the infinty symbol in with love out with love. Both experiencing the frequency of love coming through us. Because we are one it will be amplified to amazing levels, gratitude for the the gift to share the experience & knowing that we are helping others by living in the frequency energy of love.

I have done meditations with a group of over 100 people for over 12 months doing nothing but meditating working as a team facing our darkness & helping each other through it. It is powerful & changed the whole town we lived near. But its only in the last year that all the teaching moved from words to completely understand of what was taught. Thank you Ray for this powerful information your words that are being shared is opening up the parth of darkness, a light & a clear direction that will help us walk our own journey to the crystal temple of the light on the mountain of spiritual wisdom

Keep giving Jason parts of your book this feels like the time & we are ready to grow, head the direction it is taking us. The more we learn the faster we will grow, as we grow in knowledge & understanding it raising our vibrational energy others will get pulled into the light some will stay & grow others may not but this will help us as a group to make the first steps as a team bringing back the team of togetherness in growth once again, thank you Ray & Jason love & light to you all.

Alot of the other things you talked about made alot of sense & more understanding on how important it is as a woman to keep our body our temple pure of unsure energys, I have over the last 2 years been learning on how every person we are intermite with leaves a trace of there energic energy with us & the 90 days is something I didn't know but makes sense. That we need to release any energy signature from that person before starting a new relationship, otherwise we are filling our body‘s with alot of different energy frequencies, lots of unbalanced vibrational energy & it will gets messy on your own body, lowering your vibrational frequency. Creating chaos but not knowing why we can't break the patterns. That is why I am very into frequencies because the next person I allow into my world needs to be on the same energy frequency as me & wants to keep growing. I have diluted my spiritual growth before & if its not the right person its not worth it. There was so so much information that made the light bulb come on & some things I had not understood other cultures beliefs. As to the putting woman 2nd but this was a light bulb moment to the why they live like that. ( if they took the ego & control out & lived it on a spiritual level not a control level. But I still not understanding or agree with the ones who do surgery on girls & women to control the pleasure. All should be kept whole as the spiritual creator made us). Im sure many of the people in different cultures do not realize the reason why as well, why these things are as they are. Understanding is knowledge to help us walk our parth the best we can growing & raising our vibrational energy to higher states of understanding.

We are moving towards a life of oneness & why would you do harm to others who are part of you. Love & light.


Aug 08 at 03:47 PM

Katheryn G thank you for your beautiful reply, I have not, I am always looking for anything that helps me grow & has my heart singing, so I can help others see the light of love. Is my thing I am deciding my growth to, I am happy to see, look, feel & if it resonates with me would be great full. Thank you beautiful soul of light xx

Aug 06 at 05:50 AM

I'm still working through the programs to early to vote just watched Sirius, love his work amazing person.


Aug 06 at 05:48 AM

Sounds amazing


Aug 05 at 10:00 PM

Love re-watching Disclosure, im at the part where they are talking about wearing clothes or not, as we know every thing is frequency even clothes, what clothes are made of or what conditions they were made in can have an effect on you when you are wearing them, how you feel. So if you are working in a higher vibrational energy/ frequency. Clothes will not work that are made from a lower vibrational energy,( if you are working in a higher frequency.) I understand this on a level but as we are raising our frequency & the earths frequency from a lower density to a higher (love) level. Is it because we are doing it slowly that we still have clothes ? thank goodness. ( I know there are clothes i can no longer wear they feel heavy because I'm raising my frequency.) hopefully soon people will be making clothes from love not slavery or factory energy. I also understand the frequency ray is working in is not a place we can get to with out help. As you raise your frequency or working from a healing frequency your core temperature charges your energy is vibrational faster then when you are not healing. That clothes could slow down the process, you are working from a enagic vibrational level not the physical solid energy level. This is so exciting to hear & feel this energy that comes from these interviews, i can not wait until we have this all again we have had this all before in our past lives & we tap into it when we heal but to have it use it like TLS & Ray do in this dimension is powerful


Aug 05 at 05:43 AM

I have loved watching the uncensored Disclosure, shows me how far my frequency has changed as well as the world around me. I have found some amazing meditations that have helped me move from where I was to now living in the heart frequency more & more it feels amazing, how people around me are naturally shifting into a higher frequency. Love the work that You, Ray & TLS doing it has helped me & im sure many more, just by putting these out. because TLS is working from the heart doing all these amazing things that most people don't even know unless you see the subtle changes, or feel the energy /frequency change in the earth. I don't have a question I just wanted to send love light & hugs to say thank you for all you are doing & what you are doing has enagicly help my direction to move into oneness. Still have some work to do on myself but I am enjoying my new direction. Thank you 😊 💓


Aug 03 at 06:32 AM

You are a powerful person, when I want to find something I put out to the universe, I would like to connect to like minded people. Or you could add who want raise the frequency to love. Then let it go. Sometimes it happens quickly other times it can take longer but you do need to open your eyes to see, ears to hear & heart to feel. Because they me be at the next table, or in the line at the shops talking about something that will lead you to that. I don't like to stand out but I'm always talking to people, helping people, even just giving someone a smile. We can't change the outcome in some ways but by raising our frequency into love which is a contagious frequency because as you live in it others just start raising there's, love frequency is very powerful frequency & alot of light is attached to it. When enough people are doing this nothing of a lower frequency can control & then naturally things can change. I lived on a meditation family of 200+ people when we moved to the place there was alot of crime, within a couple of months the crime in the area had dropped. There was graphs of the difference & it didn't take long so I have scene the proof sadly my Visa to the USA ran out & I came home. I meditate every day & now I use ones to raise my frequency as well as the EESYSTEM to live in the love frequency which is a powerful frequency to be in but also grounded in the world. Try it start doing it & watch the people around you change throw in gratitude for what ever you can, thank the universe when good things happen & enjoy when you can, laughter also helps. Love & light


Aug 03 at 06:14 AM

I agree Ray has amazing information that is amazing to hear it helps open your mind to depths you haven't been or even thought of going, it opens up memories that are buried beneath the layers of nonsense we have been feed. Its like a spark in the brain & the heart the then awakens the next parth way, keeps going like a veins in a tree. Ray may like the questions asked but I love listening to him talk about the spiritual part of it as he talks about it I can see it happening like I'm on the journey with him & I remember having this from past lives. Just love this learning & has motivated me to do more work on my waking up my healing connection with love & light.

Next episode please RAY.


Aug 03 at 05:59 AM

The things above will slow down your depth you can go, true meditation you don't need to concentrate when you quiet your mind thoughts will come up they are energy in motion, being released don't follow them let them go, breathe into your heart, see your heart open like a flower, filling your body with love, feel it in every cell, feel it surrounding your body, your room, your house, the world, bath like floating in a pond pink loving light. Stay there for as long as you can. 5mins great, 10 mins great, don't push thoughts away just see them float past like waves on the beach. The thing with meditation is don't judge yours. But there are many amazing guided one out there. Unifyd has some. Diana Cooper has some amazing one on you tube.

I love the gift of Tibetan heart meditation sadly cannot remember the ladies name.
