Donald Combs

Beattyville, KY, United States

Sep 17 at 01:32 PM

Good start, we as peoples have to stand up and do our own thing or it will be to late before you even know it. It will happen quickly too I believe.


Sep 15 at 12:51 PM

I enjoy all of it. I actually like it all I just wish there would be more. I guess we will get new stuff in due time. I am up for anything that will raise our overall consciousness so I would say all of the above. I trust UNIFYD to do the best they possibly can.

Sep 14 at 04:35 AM

Jason also clarified that medically induce coma didn't count as coma in this sense and the same soul should come back to body when they come out of it. He said this in the past Monday Night Live


Sep 14 at 04:31 AM

When a person dies, does the soul wait for rest of soul family to die before reincarnating or does it reincarnate then the rest of soul family catch up as they die. I was wondering because I hear that we make a soul contract before we reincarnate to our next life and I would like some more clarity? Especially if we reincarnate before all of our soul family dies then the rest catch up as they die. Because if this is the case wouldn't the first to reincarnate in there next timeline control most of the narrative as what the rest of the soul family does. I hope this make sense and you get what iam asking.

Sep 09 at 10:47 AM

Sometimes you can get put in a medically induced coma I just wonder if it's considered the same thing, sometimes it's just for a few days or weeks.


Sep 08 at 11:54 PM

We definitely need to stand against the 2030 agenda

Sep 08 at 11:28 AM

A couple more people I wouldn't mind seeing on the app is Timothy Hogan. He is a grandmaster of the Knights Templer. He tells about the Templer going around in ancient time trying to find technology that was used pre flood and before. A lot of the teaching align a lot with what this app is about.


Sep 05 at 06:01 PM

This could happen if all schools taught it


@UNIFYD, Jason ought to look into getting Timothy Hogan on UNIFYD. He is the Grandmaster of the Knight Templers. He says they have a lot of ancient technology devices and has all kinds of stuff. I believe it would be very interesting. Thanks


Sep 02 at 04:38 PM

When I was around 7 or 8 years old my mom, sister,and me saw on object in the air that was a disc shape and had several different color lights around the bottom of it.It was in Kentucky in either the late 1980s or early 1990s. It was around the area of the park Natural Bridge. My dad was driving and he did not see it but myself along with my mom and sister did. The funny thing about it. It happen on a Friday and at that time my Dad would always get the Sunday paper from the Lexington Herald Leader and that Sunday there was something written in the paper about several people reporting strange lights in the sky that weekend.One more thing when I seen it it was low enough I could actually see the craft and not just the lights. It will be something I will never forget.
