Donald Combs

Beattyville, KY, United States

Nov 25 at 06:02 PM

I read the Trancdusing chapter of Ray of light. The newest one that came out. Its good too. I cannot wait for the rest of the book to come out. Just learning little things in all the chapters is making me go back and read it again.Its even making me go back and read the Old Testament again. The Torah and Old Testmant are the same aren’t they?

Oct 31 at 04:05 PM

Ray was saying it from his past life as the high preist I meant 10 years don’t know why I put 4

Oct 31 at 03:25 PM

The bible says it took 40 years Ray says it was only about 4 years maybe why.

Oct 31 at 03:24 PM

The codes are in the Hebrew one now from what I understand.But we just don't have the key to figure it out if I understood correctly.

Sep 15 at 04:33 PM

Same here

Danica Patrick she is doing good things on your YouTube channel and she has a big following. Also Dr. Joe, Dr .Steven Greer again., Billy Carson

May 23 at 06:31 PM

Love it, Congrats Jason and all UNIFYD members
