Donald Combs

Beattyville, KY, United States

Commented on Hey y'all ❤

May 11 at 08:25 AM

Nice to meet you Ashley, hope you get everything you want out of this platform, it's definitely been one of the best things to come into my life in the past few years. Sending my love.

May 11 at 08:23 AM

I hope you get the help you desperately need. Sending all my love.

May 11 at 08:21 AM

I know this is probably not the Monday night live that she is going to since it says she is talking about EES and healing, but I would love to here about here past lives and her time in Atlantis. I know I briefly heard someone talk about her being able to recall this. I would love to here about her past life, I bet she was doing something with the healing fields. She is definitely one amazing women.


May 06 at 02:48 PM

Can't wait definitely thank Robert is the smartest person I have ever heard talk. Question I would like to ask him if he knows now that Ray told that he was at pyramid can he figure out which person he was.


May 06 at 10:19 AM

Love your mission, it should be all of our mission to make earth a better place. Also we should try to make our conscious more into to the real reality and also help anyone we can to do the same. Love to all keep up the good work


Apr 29 at 10:46 AM

I understand and that makes sense but to long time subscriber to UNIFYD TV should be giving a little leeway. If I personally had to cancel I would start it back up as soon as I had the amount needed. UNIFYD tv has been great to me personally and I understand stand the reasoning but for someone like me that is on a limited budget but really desires to be included will have to figure out another way. Keep up what your doing it is helping humanity as a whole.


Apr 28 at 10:50 PM

So in order to get UNIFYD + you got to pay it all at once which is $299 so we can't get it by paying $25 monthly . Am I correct on this. I hope we can pay monthly instead of annually because that will be the only way I can get it. I understand it's for a great cause but us that struggle to make it financially it's hard to come up with all at once.


Apr 26 at 09:09 PM

So can we get this for 25 a month


Apr 26 at 01:42 PM

I am upgrading as soon as I get paid again on May 3


Apr 25 at 09:57 AM

Can't wait
