Donald Combs

Beattyville, KY, United States

Mar 02 at 06:39 AM


Feb 27 at 10:26 AM

Is there a place to get the link in English Javier de la Flor

For some reason I couldn’t watch this until around midnight and I was trying to watch since 6


Feb 23 at 04:38 PM

I would love to see anything with Robert Edward Grant , I believe he is an absolute genius and has some special abilities. Would be great to see him with about anything. I know he has his own show but I am not sure who has the rights to it. Also I would love to see a collaboration with Matias De Stefano, he is a great light worker who can see all his past lives. Not sure if he will be contractedly obligated to another network too but would be worth a shot. Also anything with any other members of TLS that would be willing to do an interview. Plus would love to hear from Dr. Sandra From EES about her past lives and her time in Atlantis as a past life that I believe someone mentioned one time.


Feb 22 at 05:40 PM

In the Disclosure series Ray said all the planets were a sphere except the pyramid star and it’s shaped like a pyramid. Also Ray said when he was going to be leaving the earth’s atmosphere he had to prepare by drinking a certain type of stuff for a while before he could leave to prepare his body. I personally believe it’s more than likely a sphere but I do know you can find evidence in it being flat. But I respect your opinion.


Feb 22 at 05:11 PM

I really wanted to be there. I have tried several things to see if I could come up with the money to go. I fell like I am supposed to be there. Every since I watched the first Disclosure series I have been hooked. My level of awareness has expanded a lot since that day. I have been all in and I will continue to be all in. I am still trying to figure out how to be there. I know it will be an event that people will look back to and know there life has changed for the better. Congratulations to everyone able to go and to those that will be watching.


Feb 18 at 06:40 PM

Can’t wait wish there was a way to sneek it early

Feb 08 at 10:35 AM

Thanks I must have missed that somehow


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Feb 07 at 11:02 PM

Rabbi AA is at the Pyramid star is my understanding he is not on earth at this time.