Neveen Khouzam

Mississauga, Canada

Feb 03 at 11:17 PM

♡999♡ Trudeau is the same. They are all puppets either way. If they don't comply with the higher ups, they get replaced by a clone to do their bidding.


Feb 03 at 11:14 PM

♡999♡ yep!


Feb 03 at 10:44 AM


Feb 03 at 10:42 AM

♡999♡ that is awesome you connected with your ancestors. That my friend is my definition of an amazing journey. It was real, you cross into the spirit world and you connected with your great grandfather. How amazing and blessed is that!


Feb 03 at 10:11 AM

You don't think Biden is a clone?


Feb 03 at 09:30 AM

♡999♡ I do believe that our vibrations are keeping things in a state of calm, but we do need to meditate as a group. I agree with you there.

At my spiritual group meeting, we went on a Shamanic journey to the lower world, my power animals guided me to the core of the earth, there was a beautiful light force in the center in the shape of the flower of life, sacred geometry, it was shifting but beautiful, then, Jesus, Mary, his mother, Anne, her mother, and Mary Magdalena came to me down there and told me the key to this world for all humanity is Peace and Love. This will guide us through the chaos and destruction, it will change the world but ONLY if we practice peace and love with our hearts. Then the image of Jesus with the burning heart came. That was the message they wanted me to share in the room and with others and so that's the message I carry forth to all I meet or talk to that is of like mind.

If I were to share this with the sheep, they'd think I was crazy.


Feb 03 at 09:19 AM

Because of Nibiru coming in closer to earth, the magnetic force between nibiru and earth is so strong that the earth stopped its rotation and is now only at a wobble, back and forth, that's why the earth is experiencing earthquakes and there's flooding and tsunami warnings. Disaster will get worse as earth tries to correct itself.

I think everyone should begin preparing with canned foods and water for 3 days of darkness where the power goes out, no usage of cell phones or devices Period.

Feb 02 at 03:00 PM

I had a discussion last night with a group of Spiritualists about the April 8th eclipse. Nibiru or planet X will be in full view directly between the sun and earth, so as the eclipse takes place, anyone with a camera should be able to capture it and "they" don't want you looking up to see it and question. Do you recall the movie "Don't look up"?

Jan 15 at 10:18 AM

My ancestors need me to come and pick up my stuff from the airport and then go home.


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