Michelle Cardenas

Jacksonville, FL, United States

Nov 29 at 10:54 PM

Yeah, it sucks when they break their train of thought because then you always feel like your going to miss something because they broke his concentration. Then when it DOES cause him to forget. We never know if it was done nefariously, but assume the worse do to preprogramming! So You DEFINITELY have a VALID Pnt.!

Nov 15 at 04:38 AM

Yeah. Its a lot to follow not knowing who he's talkn about and having to figure out a their roles with so many ppl involved. From what I gathered he wrote the Matrix , but didn't want to join their club of dirty deeds get the deal. Then they blackmail you if you no longer want to be in it So they decided stole steel the script. Then puting it under an open series slot of one of their headliner movies just changing parts of the script and then using bits and pieces of it to add story to other movies they produced. Hollywood has NO IMAGINATION OR CREATIVITY Because 90% are satanists who follow the devil who only knows how to be a copy cat just steeling from the creative minds of God children.

Nov 15 at 01:30 AM

I think we've been to the moon by now , but not when they said they did!

Then I also heard that once we did finally land there was a Russian shuttle already there, but no Russians to be found, although there were other beings...just Not human! They were evil and killed 1 of the 3 , so they high tailed it outta there. A grandfather involved wrote it in a death bed letter to his grandson that was found once his gf past.

One thing that I found was odd is the way the astronauts acted at the press conference. They all were acting EXTREMELY strange.Then they even had contradicting stories about being able to see the stars. Then there a 💯 other clues.


Commented on The Final Word

Oct 28 at 11:11 AM

Loved this series. Explains this world of energy so well.


Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Oct 25 at 12:11 AM

Wow, thanks for sharing. You are here for a devine purpose. God has given you this so you can one day make a dif. Just watch. God bless


Oct 24 at 01:37 AM

Lauren SuesSuesno the nephilim are not the same as aliens. The nephilim are demon yes but they are disembodied Spirits that need a body to manifest in our realm. Aliens already have bodies they are just from other planets they have good and bad ones just as we do here. 


Oct 24 at 01:27 AM

Patsie FletcherFletcherthe pastors will never teach all u need to know . They are businesses owned by the establishment.  They only teach what allowed to be taught alot is left out of the Bible that we need to know. Search ancient texts and science. Once I learned about energy wchbis science and combined it wspirituality EVERYTHING BECAME CLEAR. All the questions pastors couldn't answer were answered and then some. They want us to believe in God or the big bang to keep us divided. That's their emo. However,  spirituality and science is meant to be taught together as oneness. We are energy that makes our bodies but are filled w the spirit of God. The Bible is only part of the story we must study the bks not put in Bible together a better understanding.  They don't want us to know how powerful we really are so they can stay in control over us.  The Bible is more spiritual than literal.  Hope this helps


Oct 24 at 01:11 AM

Thank you for sharing your wise words.  


Oct 24 at 01:02 AM

The reason no one has heard of them is because we weren't ready or in the Aquarian age where we as 8humans would be advanced enough to understand or accept it as some CLEARLY STILL AREN5.


Sep 13 at 11:49 PM

Robert Bessey great idea
