Michelle Cardenas

Jacksonville, FL, United States

Commented on 👀

Aug 21 at 05:15 AM

You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT also about ASKING QUESTIONS. I have found this is the BEST STRATEGY to wake ppl up. When you act as though you are just INQUIRING and let them come up w the answer then it will OPEN THE DOOR for you to be able to insert your opinion w/o them feeling attacked or as though you are trying to change their way of thinking (although yoh are)😉Works like a charm.

Commented on 👀

Aug 21 at 04:49 AM

Woe, very insightful info. I never looked at the word" trying" to wake someone as an intentional word as if talking to the universe you haven't yet. U r rt we must watch EVERY word we say and understand it's intention So I'll change and say Im waking ppl up. Setting an intention everyday and waking more up as we speak😉 THANKS FOR THAT CATCH! I wasn't paying close enough attention. Glad you were.💖

Replied on 👀

Aug 21 at 04:40 AM

Yes, they are confused. We can expose the dark w out obsessing on it. For instance...Just cuz we ignore sex trafficking doesn't stop it fr happening! We must bring it into the light to transcend the dark.


Aug 21 at 04:21 AM

Some good some bad...just like here

Commented on 👀

Aug 21 at 04:09 AM


Aug 21 at 03:54 AM

Oh wow "Ignaorant are we?

If they lied to us about 1 thing what makes you think everything else is the truth?

Rem when aliens 👽 and ufos were conspiracy theories and we were CRAZY ??, but now the govt says they are real! So how can you not question the rest?

Since when did we need our facts Checked?

Who died and left the GOVT BOSS OF OUR LIFE?

Aug 21 at 03:38 AM

Wow, perfect words. 🥰 gave me chills


Aug 21 at 03:33 AM

Hey I'm here too. Need like minded peeps to bond and talk w. 😊

Aug 21 at 03:25 AM

Wow, I feel your HEART EVER SO DEEPLY. I agree with your Words so much i couldve written them myself. I feel alone too . Being an introvert all my life , but having a twin sister that was an extrovert to compete w for attention just made me even more of a loner. I'm ok w being alone . However, I sometimes get lonely and then get upset cuz I have Noone to turn too. W the world so divided and me letting go of friends who were either energy vampires or just not able to connect anymore after my spiritual awakening. I am kind of lost on what I need. I want more like minded ppl to be w but don't know how to connect outside of social media. It's always been hard for me to build close relationships besides my twin sis as I mentioned getn all the attention. We grew up in foster care and I never learned how to build friendships do to living here and there for short periods at a time and im seeing/feeling the repercussions today. Then add social anxiety , shy introvert to the mix.im not sure what came 1st LOL. Well I know I didn't give much advice. But I guess just wanted to lyk I feel your HEART cuz mine feels the same. Your not alone in this being alone business. 🙏 Praying for you and your journey forward to come to fruition bringing you overflowing joy

Aug 21 at 02:53 AM

I believe it's symbolic, but when they were sacrificing animals and bringing it to him I believe this was Satan smelling the spoils and loving its aroma. Everything is so mistranslated to me. They say the silly mythology stories aren't real , but expect us to believe a story about a snake talking to Eve about eating apple not to be mythology .Along w all the other UNFATHOMABLE stories about a whale, a camel talking, a staff turning into a snake, sea parted, turned into blood and you name it i mean what's the difference between those stories and the "said" mythologies. I say None. Its all according to the council of niceas perception and what THEY wanted us to know and be privy of. The Ronans we STILL in power so of course they didn't want us to know everything God blessed us w. Then when u take into consideration ot was the vatican roman catholics popes controlling everything back then and also STILL today but posing as Christ believers but actually worshipping satan!! They have infiltrated every aspect of out lives an sold us lies. After you seething you can't unsee it. It opens your eyes to all the contradictions in The Bible that weren't supposed to even EXIST, but they DO. So after realizing all this. I went back w a clear slate to read the Bible. And u soon realized how science has caught up w history. We are energy , everything is energy just moving at dif frequencies. Then you add the spark of Gods spirit. It's easy to see how they have kept spirituality and the science of energy seperate because it was always meant to be fully understood TOGETHER. Once you know how energy works and ad spirit fo it .you see the Bible verses meanings different then what you were taught. They've been mistranslated on purpose. The Bible is only PART of the story too. The other bks have a lot of weight that will ADD to your total understanding. I suggest reading EVERY BIBLICAL MANUAL starting w ancient tablets. Then Come up w your own understanding fr a clear slate. Not only that pay attention to you body.... When you hear truth your physical body will react. Cuz God ALREADY put the truth inside our hearts. So when you hear it, your body will innately respond.its programmed that way fr God so you know when you are hearing truth. You could get goose b7mps , tears, flysh, heart palpitations. ETC. It's will be a feeling if joy and an all knowing. If you hear something and you aren't sure about whether to believe it or not ask GOD to show you. The Bible is true you just gotta be anle to know how to translate it correctly and god willlyk know.. I so cool.Hes awesome and has given us ALL WE NEED ALL WE NEED TO KNOW. WE JUST NEED TO KNOW IT AND HAVE FAITH IN IT.💖