Michelle Cardenas

Jacksonville, FL, United States

Commented on 🙊

Nov 10 at 03:33 PM

They were bused to Oprah's house I'm sure

Replied on 🐇

Nov 10 at 03:30 PM


Commented on 🐇

Nov 10 at 03:30 PM

Poor Michael! He will be avenged.

Nov 10 at 03:17 PM

I hope so .only Time will tell


Nov 10 at 03:08 PM

No , we all should know by now Vatican is part of the system. If Ray was there doesn't make him part it makes him knowlegable!


Nov 10 at 03:03 PM

All I could sing was "London bridges falling down,falling down ...lol😁😁😁


Replied on 💫

Nov 10 at 02:56 PM

Juquada Campbell he was a victim from the start. He was born into it. At least he still had a conscious and wanted to do something about it

Replied on 💫

Nov 10 at 02:53 PM


Replied on 💫

Nov 10 at 02:51 PM

He was a victim. Since he was born into his family. Try that on for Size before judging


Commented on 👀

Aug 21 at 05:15 AM

You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT also about ASKING QUESTIONS. I have found this is the BEST STRATEGY to wake ppl up. When you act as though you are just INQUIRING and let them come up w the answer then it will OPEN THE DOOR for you to be able to insert your opinion w/o them feeling attacked or as though you are trying to change their way of thinking (although yoh are)😉Works like a charm.
