Michelle Cardenas

Jacksonville, FL, United States

Aug 21 at 02:11 AM

Disclosure w Ray

Commented on Spiritual Intelligence

Jul 19 at 02:52 PM

Love this!

Commented on post was deleted

May 15 at 11:31 PM


Replied on post was deleted

May 15 at 11:26 PM

Good point

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

May 15 at 11:12 PM

Sasha Lewis doesn't look like she is too interested in getting them out since 50 ppl on here replied and she has YET to reply to any of them.SMH


Apr 27 at 06:09 PM

I know how you feel. Maybe you can help me brainstorm an idea to throw at them that will allow us a chance to  experience these events too so we can ALL benefit from them.  Im thinkn maybe they can somehow make It affordable for us to see at least a replay since it shouldn't cost them any extra $ to play it. Idk just a thought. 

Apr 27 at 05:29 PM

UNIFYD TVTVTVTVGoing to an event and/or watching live is still a different experience then watching a replay.  So I'm not sure why someone would be upset if we watched a REPLAY if we are paying for the subscription for that month. It's not taking away from their experience or  and they have access to it for life. So for them to worry about it being fair seems bit counter productive when we are ALL supposed to be here uniting and coming together to help eachother grow and raise our consciousness with love. So why wouldn't they want others to experience it too?  The more access the more its going help with the collectives ascension and making this a better world. Thats my intention anyway. 


Apr 27 at 08:11 AM

Kimberly it sounds like they are making It more affordable for the ones who ALREADY can afford events instead of the ones who cannot. It's a bit backwards to me . Especially, When we are supposed to be uniting ppl. I know ppl need to get paid , but w monthly subscriptions at that price seems like this is more of a for profit organization then non profit. Although, on the other hand I like to take a negative and turn it into a positive. So w that being said...I think that if I can't afford it then it's not worth stressing over cuz it must not be worth having it anyway. 💖 Even though I still don't understand why we couldn't just pay per event or live just like most of the other channels do. 


Apr 25 at 06:36 AM

Yes ❤️ exactly


Apr 25 at 04:16 AM

Where's the video? I WANT TO SEE IT.