Michelle Cardenas

Jacksonville, FL, United States

Apr 25 at 04:13 AM

Stephanie Brown sorry, but YES I BELIEVE reptilians are REAL. They are the ones at the top feeding off our negative and fear based energy. We have just a rep brain they have the whole body. AS in full blooded and we are just interbred.they are the 13 bloodlines of the illuminati.


Apr 25 at 04:00 AM

Thank you for that. Dax is awesome!

Apr 25 at 03:58 AM

Yes, go listen to ROBERT EDWARD GRAND and ROBERT GILBERT. They both are phenomenal w puting the # synchronicity together ands making sense of it in the universe . It's def telling us a story and that we a living In a simulation of higher power

Apr 25 at 03:53 AM

Yes, the sky doesn't even look real . If that's even possible! Something is def off and strange. But we are living In a true twilight zone so why am I surprised. Now w govt fkn w weather we nvr know what were gonna get . Including a DEW fire for God sake. Glad you are paying attention. We ALL need to be ready for the unexpected, but remain in our positive power and high vibes so we can overcome and transcend the neg.Gob bless . Thanks for sharing

Apr 25 at 03:35 AM

⁹N∆UTIC∆L⁹⁹⁹N0N§€N§€⁹ you MUST ALWAYS following YOUR intuition, instincts, gut, or 1 reaction ALL THE SAME. Sounds like you are choosing the WRONG person to look up to. However, rem life happens FOR us NOT TO us. What was your lesson? Feel it and them Move on and move up. Don't dwell and try to not to concern yourself w the one who gave you unjust instructions. I'm sure they will get theirs, but its not your vengeance it's God's. You MUST forgive and let go...that is where YOUR favor comes in. By having the power to feel the betrayal yet forgive, learn and move on transcending any negative. This will be what brings your glory into fruition. Stay positive and vibe highHee

Hey I was just readn ur other posts to Melisaa about the entities. I know a Christian lady who does deliverance healings for nonprofit organizn who might be able to help.you FOR FREE. LMK if ur interested. An entity couldve got attached while on acid or even while b'n arnd othr ppl. Or places whle doing drug


Apr 25 at 03:26 AM

Wow, this seems pretty powerful. I def going to try it. THANK YOUFOR SHARING


Apr 25 at 03:07 AM

I don't understand why we just can't pay a one time fee PER LIVE STRM of choosing at the time of watching? To ask for an ADD. amt regardless of whether we decide to watch a livstrm or not is a little too much in my opinion. With the state of this economy and ppl living paychk to paychk or NO paychk. it makes it tough adding to ones bills. I'm pretty sure your not in this position and I would think w the amnt of mem. on this platform and what you get from everyone EVERY MONTH would be more than enough. Unless, maybe Im missing something here? I apologize if there is. It's bad enough for those who can't afford the live events and now to feel like they're missing out once AGAIN because of $ It's a bit heartbreaking. Especially when our purpose here is to love, bring ppl together and be of svc to share our gifts w one another. This just seems to divide. I'm going to brainstorm a way to make this pos for everyone. Maybe a sponsor system or something idk. I just want everyone to benefit.

Replied on Missing 411

Apr 12 at 10:55 AM


Mar 24 at 11:01 PM

Michael Baska you are ABSOLUTELY on point! I left her a message and thought the same thing as soon as I got done writing it, but hopefully shell see them or maybe the message will reach her in spirit.I can barely afford this myself, but I too findvit more important to have then not. So I put a clear intention out that I believe EVERY month the $ will appear AND IT HAS. She needs to change her programmed mind of lack to abundance. It's hard cuz I wrestle w it myself, but im learning and it has worked EVERYTIME I do. God is good. He don't make junk and he aint no liar he's truly givn us ALL we need. Be blessed w high vibes and much love my brother in Christ.

Mar 24 at 10:49 PM

colleen don't you realize you have not because you believe not. Don't you realize it COSTS $$$ to produce and have guests come or go to get interviewed. NOTHING in life is free (that is worth anything). When you start to change the way you think you will then change the way you live. When YOU give freely things IN YOUR LIFE will begin to FREELY APPEAR. You will serve yourself better by looking at things through a different lens. You have all you need NOW START ACTING LIKE IT and see what happens. Sending you this in LOVE and high vibes. May you be abundantly blessed 💗💞💕
