Agata Andruszewski

Sep 12 at 10:06 AM

Once out, should be distributed to masses.

Most of us in this group know, but normal , every day hard working Americans have no idea why is all the collapse happening ....


Aug 27 at 10:41 AM

I've innately knew I, as a woman, am deeply spiritually connected. I had spiritual experiences, vivid dreams , dreams that predicted death on multiple occasions, dejavu's, I was able to speak to someone without ever moving my lips... but I still understand my role as woman, wife & mother and I have no problem with it!

In Egypt and Greece, back in the day, women were always looked upon to, appreciated, asked for opinions and they ruled...

It's a shame what's happening now. We need to raise our children better... they deserve it.

Jul 09 at 10:39 AM

Jason do you know what RFK did to his deceased wife ? It's pretty disturbing. I recommend you get informed. Because whatever he's doing on political level has no meaning if he can't treat human in dignified way ✌️

No to mention his notebook of woman he ..... with.....

Commented on Remote Viewing 2025

May 14 at 10:04 AM

There are infinite future timelines. She remote views the future in the present, in how things look now. But the remote viewing of the future in six months can be totally different. Yes, she says she has this apocalyptic feeling like 2020 for quite some time, however it might get to fruition or not! Nothing is set in stone. 2025 comes to number 9. 9 is a God's number. I have a hard time believing that oppression and surveillance is what light wants. I will either way focus on the positive,no fear.

As a side note, if Biden "wins" the election there will be uprise, of course. And this election outcome WILL touch whole world.

Stay in peace friends, meditate, imagine white light all over the planet. We got this 💪💗

May 12 at 09:15 AM

Thank you UNIFYD TV !

And Happy Mother's Day to all ! 💐


Apr 12 at 06:13 PM

That is why I mentioned that we all have to say enough. We let all this happen. We allowed the systems to go out of hand...


Apr 12 at 12:33 PM

The financial system is a scam.

The governments are a scam.

Psychopaths in charge are dark, evil souls. They damaged enough lives!

We've been played long enough.

It's time to rise up!

Feb 22 at 05:17 PM

Yes, but not for us, at this point anyway ✌️

Feb 22 at 03:48 PM

Yes, my phone was down for sometime. Chicago. I don't work online so it didn't affect me much 🤷‍♀️ BUT I have children in elementary school, and to not be able to know what's going on with them is the scariest thing. I know what I'm doing if grid goes down, we as a family have a plan, BUT the kids, omg that is scary 🙈

Love it!

I've read a book, written by extraterrestrials, that the original humanoids were brought here from a prison planet, because the inhabitants didn't know what do with them, and because they were "too simple" and yes they were also created on that planet. It's interesting that even that story combines with Bashar's story because it says that later those original humanoids were mixed with ET DNA to create homo sapien on Earth. Just another story, another perspective 😉