Durham, NC, United States

Visionary Futurist dedicated to The GREAT AWAKENING of humankind.

Feb 28 at 02:04 PM

hey... did you mean 'SAUCE FOR THE SOUL'?

with some significant CLARITY here, SOUL IS THE SOURCE ! ! ! 

i really would not have raised this question of the words "sauce for the soul" had been used.



each of us are co-creators. those asleep are not aware of this. their creative energies are utilized (vampirized) by the 'clever ones'.

the awakened ones can only live as an example so that those asleep might see what is possible.

lots of gratitude here for the ones who have accepted living as an example of what is possible !


it is actually far less complicated than most can comprehend.

each of us are actually 'script writers' in all that occurs. problem is that the scripts are being written at the subCONSCIOUS level where the pedestrian awareness seldom has access to.

i am certain that anyone reading this commentary and is scratching their head in bewilderment, can, with tenacity of spirit, find assistance with comprehension of what is stated here via easily accessible information about the human psyche in literature on human psychology.  yes.


Feb 25 at 08:07 AM

now THAT would be INTERESTING !


Feb 25 at 08:04 AM


i.e. 'the language of consciousness'... YES !

Feb 25 at 08:01 AM


i would not subscribe to this notion as being an absolute. yes, it does appear as though technology is the cause of this downfall. however, humans have the capacity to design (imagineer) any and all safeguards into the equation. this said, the responsibility remains with humans to function as responsible stewards here.

the REAL challenge here is to get humans to see that we are 1st Cause in creation. a tall order. however, this is attainable. there is a great alliance of conscious souls incarnate here for this very purpose. our job is to wake from the 'manipulators' dream spell' and assist these souls with their life mission.

can i get a 'witness'? 
