Durham, NC, United States

Visionary Futurist dedicated to The GREAT AWAKENING of humankind.

Nov 20 at 06:24 PM

TRUTH ain't necessarily PRETTY !

Nov 20 at 10:11 AM

2Caleb444Reeves2 Caleb, when we step into the deeper waters of consciousness, we get to SEE the interconnectedness of all things. Duality consciousness dissolves back into the NOTHINGNESS from whence it came. We then SEE each of us as 1st Cause, and the mystery of being becomes a thing of the past.

Our lives are always pointing us in the direction of KNOWING.

for this we give thanks !


ALL THAT WE SUFFER is a result of a decrease in frequency.

The EES experience is equivalent to a 'battery reCHARGE'.

when we 'bathe in the lights' of an EES, we are restoring ourselves to a HIGH VIBRATION where the lower vibrations of illness, disEASE, and addictions dissolve back into the NOTHINGNESS from whence they came.


Commented on I Wish You All Peace

Nov 20 at 12:42 AM


one's inner peace belongs to everyone. this 'state of BEing' is contagious. go there. the world will follow you.

*Vandorn AnkHuShabda Aumnibi


Nov 19 at 11:06 AM


Nov 19 at 10:56 AM


Nov 19 at 10:55 AM

Caleb, EYE SEE YOU and I AM deLIGHTed you have joined forces with us here in this 'SACRED TABERNACLE OF LOVE' known as UNIFYD TV ! 

your posts truly warm my heart.


Nov 19 at 10:50 AM

thank YOU for this post !

these are the stories others need to see.

all life is imbued with an intelligence greater than most have imagined.

Nov 19 at 10:44 AM

when the SOUL of Nikola Tesla reincarnated as Patrick Flannigan, memory of that previous life attended him. As a young Patrick, he attempted to return to his previous work and the 'GOVERNMENT' stopped him with 'severe warnings' to DESIST. he then reDIRECTED his genius towards health of the physical body. Dr Patrick Flannigan is no longer with us. his company PHI SCIENCES lives on.

every 'I LOVE YOU' statement is a DNA upgrade. yes !