Durham, NC, United States

Visionary Futurist dedicated to The GREAT AWAKENING of humankind.


Jun 04 at 12:30 AM

As Jason Shurka has suggested to his audience, we have the POWER (and responsABILITY) to reSHAPE our world through the faculty of IMAGINATION. 

To speak poetically and metaphorically... "our imagination is where GOD dwells". these are my thoughts on the subject of conscioUSness.

For a critical MASS of us to awaken to this KNOWING and to focus on a DESIRED OUTCOME rather than on what is being pumped into the collective unconscious via myriad strategies IS THE ORDER OF THE DAY/HOUR. 

this image titled "ARK" was created as an alchemical formula to "plant" in the mind of viewers the hand written message in the lower 1/3 section of the work of art. The words read: "WE ARE DREAMING... WAITING TO REMEMBER WE ARE ONE".



May 27 at 10:16 PM

My heart is aflame with a JOYFUL ENTHUSIASM for sharing the great news about UNIFYD.TV and all that is happening. What a grand moment for us all !


May 27 at 08:54 PM

Seeing what is happening via the UNIFIED HEALTH (Energy Enhancement System) initiative is an answer to my prayers. This is one of my most cherished dreams come true.



May 23 at 09:57 PM

This book has been realized for the purpose of assisting humankind in this gigantic upward spiral in consciousness we are currently witnessing. It is an illustrated journey through high frequency poetry, affirmations and transformative visual art. Take the journey with us. we are the ONES we hve been waiting for. Paperback copies available at