Kathy Avallone

Sep 14 at 11:09 AM

Power, alignment, health and connection  xoxox LOVE


Commented on Live Louder

Sep 14 at 11:07 AM

Totally!!!! I wish this also for all xo


Commented on Quote of the day

Sep 11 at 10:43 AM

Yes amazing 

Commented on Quote of the day

Sep 11 at 10:43 AM

Yes am

Sep 11 at 10:41 AM

vinegar, salt ,,,,baking soda great for cleaning....just some always love this topic ;)


Sep 05 at 02:24 PM

How very true...crazy how we seem to still try.  Definitely still working on this........all a journey :)

Commented on Written by a Man

Aug 28 at 10:38 AM

WOW!  Love - beautifully stated - could not have said it better


Amen - this is beautiful beyond xo

Commented on Trust

Aug 27 at 11:58 AM

agree 100 percent  xo

Commented on True Service

Aug 27 at 11:50 AM

love this and experience this way too often  :)