Renee b

Michigan Center, MI, United States

Sep 19 at 06:20 PM

My understanding is they have multiple souls which isn’t good or bad just is for what ever reason they choose this path


Sep 18 at 01:43 PM

Yes we only see a small percentage that means there is a lot we can’t see with our eyes, where I am currently living many have claimed to see big foot so many that a TV show came here some years back,


Sep 13 at 04:25 PM

Bronwyn House I read somewhere either post or video, Jason said, that putting someone into a coma is different, I think it was said that way back when they did not have hospitals that put people in comas, I hope this gives you some peace, and Monday we will get more answers, 

Sep 11 at 08:37 AM

I have a lot of questions, and I am having a hard time understanding how souls that are suffering go to a place like that, and souls that do terrible things, and may have caused other to take their life, go to a better place, I have lost many to suicided, I have always wondered why I know so many that have done this,?  starting from the age of 13 as my friend shot herself at 13, and I wish he would speak more about the afterlife, to me either side sounds terrible, am I missing something here?  I also have a very clear memory not sure the age, maybe two three years old, going into this body, looking at my dad and mother and saying who are these people and where am I.  This has always caused me a lot of confusion as I know this happened, but I thought a soul goes in the body at birth.  this is another long story and too much to write about.  

Sep 07 at 10:18 AM



Sep 04 at 07:50 AM

My first encounter with a UFO and also what lead me to read every book I could get my hands on afterwards, was 1986, with a group of friends at that time we were teenagers who snuck out the window that night, went down to the lake, around 3am, we first noticed a strange looking star, so we walked out onto a dock, and thats when it happened, it was so fast, hoover above us, with beams of light, like star wars, we were all screaming, after the shock, we made a pack to never tell anyone, as the years went on, I started to talk about it, no one believed me, like I would say, once you see you know, there is no turning back, I knew there was other life out there, many years went by before I saw another one, yet had many strange things happen, I have a ton of UFO now on video, and see them anytime I want now, they just appear, and, I have brought many people outside to see for them self, some run, some get excited, I also have seem them twice in 2022 during the daytime hours, yes on my pouch,


Aug 29 at 08:05 AM



Aug 29 at 07:55 AM

Janet B ok thank you I will email you shortly 

Aug 28 at 09:27 PM


Janet B trail cam about five days ago, the date is wrong, should be dated last week, I probably forget to fix the date when I put new battery's in, I seen a few ships at the same time which would be around 530am

Aug 28 at 09:25 PM

Janet B   Yes, I have many, I will get the best ones, let's do this maybe email?  as I am not good with downloads, give me a day to gather some up and I would love to see yours, and hear your stories, I can talk for hours on UFO and other stuff, many videos were taken by trail cam also,