Renee b

Myrtle Beach, SC, United States


Feb 19 at 06:08 AM

Feb 07 at 05:18 PM

Get more cat food to feed more feral cats I’ve been feeding 7 and a few other people are now also. Many homelsss cats in this area


Feb 06 at 05:27 PM

When I heard Ray was retiring I was sad but I understand Rays interviews changed how I view other peoples info for the better which changed me for the better, I honor him for the work he has done in the back ground for humanity I wish him well in his life journey from here. Someone I will never meet or know that can change a person for the better something hardly ever seen. I would like him to know he has helped me someone he will never meet or know so his hard work has paid off. To support UNIFYD mission I would like to see us all get to know each other and start a mission on our own like TLS we may not have th super powers but together we could we could do a lot I hear many that want to join TLS so let’s

make our own


Feb 05 at 03:52 PM

Jan 30 at 02:54 PM

Sims11119 you made a comment to what I had wrote how did I single you out? I was responding to what you said to me and let’s agree to disagree on this point I wish you well in life journey as I believe in free will and everyone has the right to what they believe, if you knew what I went though a couple years ago, you would have a better understanding why I believe Jason.


Jan 30 at 01:41 PM

Runway 33 chopper can’t see a plane hell I live two miles from an airport can see them standing on the ground

Jan 30 at 01:17 PM

Sims11119 also follow the money Jason isn’t paid he actually dose many free stuff and then people complain when he has to charge for some of his work

Jan 30 at 12:23 PM

Sims11119 why are you a member if you feel he gives misinformation

Jan 30 at 06:40 AM

Thank you, Jason, for the truth, it's hard, I went through something a couple of years ago, and had to admit to many I was wrong about someone, they lied to me about everything, I believed this person with everything, except you, it's a long story, and with this being said, you have been being attacked for a long time, when we think someone is good, we have no reason to question what they are saying until someone brings info about them, and we start the let's find out who is right, I was so upset when I realized how bad I was lied to, I was going through so much at the time, it takes a strong person I admit to many you were wrong about someone, you are a strong person.  

Jan 23 at 06:00 AM

yes, I am always looking up in the sky,