Renee b

Michigan Center, MI, United States

Aug 28 at 03:37 PM

if I lived closer as i too see them for the past five years, have many on video but only share with like minded people since a couple years ago I tried and was called crazy and edited the videos like I know how to do that, I actually have them during the daytime twice in the summer of 2022 you could only see them though the phone not with eyes, 

Aug 26 at 03:52 PM

Majestic forest 


Aug 20 at 04:55 PM

I would like to know more about animals, do we see them again when we die? can they see us after they die? do they come visit us? when will the animal slaughterhouse stop on this planet and all the torture to the animals, abuse etc...


Jul 27 at 12:43 PM

I want to see how this plays out, inside job very clear, coincidence Biden drops out right after?  Then we have the people that say Trump had this 20-year-old shoot at his head, Trump or anyone would not have a 20-year-old shoot at their head and tell them miss yet hit my ear, lol, common sense, and Biden is not even him, actor, clone, but not the real Biden,  

Jul 19 at 04:06 PM

  I "re-watch." them all over and over I seem to learn more every time, like a movie you "re-watch."


Jun 23 at 07:15 AM

I have seen many UFO I also had a trail cam out for about two years, what I found would scare anyone, also two times during daytime hours as the geese landed, I video recorded and could see aliens, just out of phase from eye sight but could clearly see on my phone, trail cam out that night geese laughing like demons, yet I feel these are the greys, I feel its government stuff involved, maybe Ray can talk about these greys, what is really going on, are they from here?  from the future?  from another timeline?  I am sure there are good ET's and from my own proof there is something very dark out there.  no one tells the truth about the greys, the shape shifters, if humans are kidnap taken against their will, memories blocked, our very bodies and soul taken on one of these ships terrible things done to them, the truth is owed to all of us, and the ones that have been taken and now live with terrible anxiety panic attacks.  please talk about this issue,  


Commented on post was deleted

May 24 at 09:17 AM

Jason is not, why are you here on this site? I know to pull people away from truths. And let’s not forget all the free stuff Jason is doing, he comes from a family that is well off I am sure he never had to do any of this, yet he is.

May 20 at 03:13 PM

I’m sorry I lost my mom then dad less then three months apart my mom did not get the shots my dad was murdered by the hospital went in with kidney stones they put him on Covid meds and blood transfusion within 24 hours he was a zombie tied down of course I took them to take him back for them meds he did not have Covid yet I was treated terrible by the staff we had to unplug him so many good people gone and so many more leaving.

May 18 at 04:12 PM

I complain and feel left out, I also have to take responsibility for some of the junk foods I eat, like candy, pop, no I do not do fast foods or anything like that, but if I add up all the money in one month on Mt Dew, cigs, and candy bars I love then maybe I could afford better choices, I am alone, work hard and have little to spend, so I get it, I also have to take responsibility for some of my bad choices.   


May 17 at 10:19 AM


Oct 30th 2023 SC I was walking on the ocean and turned around to see the moon looking at me I said in 2020 something was different and sometimes the moon is missing no one noticed
