Heather HurleyThere's definitely an infiniti pool to tap into & a multi-directional & dimensional existence to remember & explore. I don't have any current recolection of any past lives but I've known from a young age I'm not of here. I know I'm here to help expose corruption & bring Truth. I won't even attempt to explain that as there's not enough time in this life time to do that, not unless we have Public Full Disclosure & all the good stuff is released, then it's a different story or should I say the same story with time to tell it. I believe memory & imagination are the same thing just a different angle of approach or direction of flow. Why do you think they have been trying to lock us down, so we can't move & connect with people & situations & different enviroments & make comprehensive experiences that expand our remembering by connecting dots.
Michael Gagliano
Sydney, Australia
Replied on Understanding Anunnaki History, the Return of Enki and the Impact on UFO Disclosure
Jul 13 at 10:51 AM
Heather HurleyAwesome, deeply appreciated. If she can make it work when ever is fine no rush all good. You have rife training, nice. You have a machine? Maybe you're the female expression of me, you, us in this life time?