Michael Gagliano

Sydney, Australia

Heather HurleyAwesome, deeply appreciated. If she can make it work when ever is fine no rush all good. You have rife training, nice. You have a machine? Maybe you're the female expression of me, you, us in this life time?

Heather HurleyThere's definitely an infiniti pool to tap into & a multi-directional & dimensional existence to remember & explore. I don't have any current recolection of any past lives but I've known from a young age I'm not of here. I know I'm here to help expose corruption & bring Truth. I won't even attempt to explain that as there's not enough time in this life time to do that, not unless we have Public Full Disclosure & all the good stuff is released, then it's a different story or should I say the same story with time to tell it. I believe memory & imagination are the same thing just a different angle of approach or direction of flow. Why do you think they have been trying to lock us down, so we can't move & connect with people & situations & different enviroments & make comprehensive experiences that expand our remembering by connecting dots.  


Heather HurleyYes Indeed

I'm just going to come out & say this. I feel some sort of connection between us, I have no idea what other than simply that & I just couldn't ignore it & had to simply state it so. I feel there's something to be shared between us? I hope this doesn't freque you out, just being honest.

Heather HurleyWell said Heather, very intuitive. It's all a test & sometimes you need to fail to pass otherwise you are simply stuck & can't move forward. Failing is unfortunately looked upon as being wrong or negative but from a higher perspective it's not always about right or wrong but growing from the experience.

Heather HurleyYou're spot on with the info here Heather. I've got some borax right next to me which I haven't started using yet. You're on the right track. 

Mark Passio is definitely full on & clued up. Yes it's a very dense video with a lot unpacted.

Heather are you my twin. That explanation of what has occurred to you I resonate with 100%

Does your psychic friend do readings for the public & what type of psychic is she. Guess I'm looking for someone that can see if you have any spells / black magic / entity attachments, that sort of thing going on?

It's like there's this catch 22 at play that if you discover something dark, that it then discovers you & the more attention & focus you give it the more it recripricates & harvests you, so the rabbit hole needs to be entered with the correct vibration or you end up resonating with it drawing it to you. It really is a mind F... but energy flows where attention goes so how do you effectively learn new dark truths without empowering it while looking into it. Vibration is the key?
