Michael Gagliano

Sydney, Australia

I'd like ti think & believe so but this is a very convoluted arena & intention for truth doesn't necessarily mean it is truth, generaly speaking. Yes though I do follow Dr Salla's Research

Cont' last bit

but I look at it this way. I don't want to just believe that things are going the "Right" way I want Tangible proof of it, without getting too complex explaining that. I bet your glad you commented now, not meaning that you shouldn't have. Peace


3. This could all be a simple cleanup behind the scenes where they are removed off planet even to continue their shit elsewhere while it looks like the clean up is happeninmg here while they just simply wait a while to start again with different players as most of the players who have names are only puppets anyway & not the real players but the reel players. The real players have been playing this game for longer than we can put a number on it and simply pack up shop here & move in next door & we are none the wiser. Remember this is meant to be a Huge Wknd, that Imminent I told you so moment that has meant to have happened in various other ways for how many years now. decades actually. Yes I know I'm sounding very pessamistic but if you don't know how the game has ben played, you're most likely being played. Here's to Full Disclosure anyway because without it, we're still on the entropy side of things with the dark in control. Again that sounds let's say not positive this time but

Got this reply on my projectmatilda site - Until i see the footage of the tribunal and execution, this is all speculation and hear say.

These were my replies as your response is similar.

That could also be true. There are many things we will never see & even if you saw something how would you know it's real & not reel. With todays tech, well anything is possible right? But I feel what your saying

Unfortunately it falls under that umbrella of who do you need to hear something from before you believe it> heard from the bum on the street, compared to hearing it from my priest for one example. I think you see the picture I'm painting right?

The new problem will become we will not be able to believe anything unless we see it with our own eyes, though again that is not a fail safe. We will fail to see the real things in front of us because of the amount of reel things that have been projected upon us. What ever that saying is about the trees & forest or reverse that or starts to get blurred. Thi

lyra pure lionessThey could be Ascension symptoms even. I don't know, I wish I could be of more help

lyra pure lionessACould you be a P.O.I. (Person Of Interest) & / or a T.I. (Targeted Individual)? Research these terms if you don't know what they mean. There are multiple reasons you could be one or the other or both. Not saying that you are only you can come to that conclusion as I don't know enough about you.

lyra pure lionessHave you ever had any contact with non human enetities?

Jun 22 at 10:16 PM

Thanks for sharing in regards to this. Stay safe also.