victor Gibson

Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Mar 05 at 08:43 PM

Jonathon ClarkClarkyes it was natural side effects of learning the truth of mind and doing my best to apply it

Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Mar 05 at 11:34 AM

Jonathon ClarkClark2 sources of material.  The " A Course in Miracles " book and the books by Marshall Vian Summers 

Meditation is ESSENTIAL 

 My email: howkloosh 

Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Mar 05 at 11:25 AM

Jonathon ClarkClark

I can help you to the information. But you need more than information you need a real desire for real truth and an opened mind.  


Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Feb 01 at 06:10 AM

You are delusional and you know nothing about the truth.  Try reading the greatest Revelation God has ever given to mankind read Marshall Vian Summers books.  They will floor you. I'm a human who has been in the heavens with God  fully conscious and wide awake not any nde 

You need to drop your ascension beliefs and start learning the preparation God has given. Or you will be caught with your pants down like the masses 


Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Feb 01 at 06:07 AM

Try learning the truth. Satan was removed from this world in the 1950s.  Stop following the lues of church

Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Feb 01 at 06:05 AM

The greatest Revelation God has ever given to mankind is here.  It's far beyond anything you have ever seen.  All humans on earth need to read Marshall Vian Summers books.  

Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Feb 01 at 06:02 AM

You believe?  OK go tell your mommy

Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Feb 01 at 06:00 AM

You obviously know nothing. Try learning. Then you can yammer

Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Feb 01 at 05:57 AM

Trump never told them that. Are you Biden's boyfriend? 


Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Feb 01 at 05:56 AM

You're in denial.  You swallowed Biden's  sausage and fell in love with filth
