victor Gibson

Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 11 at 07:18 PM

Well, that's gonna be your little secret. Come on, stop I mean all you're doing. Is repeating beliefs and racist prejudices I'll be pushed around the world foreverWell, that's gonna be your little secret. Come on, stop I mean all you're doing. Is repeating beliefs and racist prejudices. I'll be pushed around the world forever. Wake up, it's far more to look at than this c***Get the books by Marshall summers. If you have enough intelligence to read them, they're the greatest revelation. God has ever given to the world. Then you won't have time to worry about Jews.

Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 11 at 07:17 PM

Well, that all sounds well and good. But there's far more to it than that. The greatest revelation God has ever given to Mankind is in the world. I've read it and I'm telling you. It's far more than you can imagine and I'm a human being who has been changed by an angel and taken into the heavens fully conscious wide awake. I was merged with God and the heavens. I've done every supernatural thing. You can dream of including teleporting my physical body. And I have dozens of people who have. I witnessed these supernatural things that I have been able to do.  There's far more to learn and there's far more coming than you can imagine. Get the books by marshall summers and begin educating yourself you're gonna need it

Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 11 at 07:10 PM

Read Marshall Vian Summers books.  Red Marshall Vian Summers books.  

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 11 at 07:04 PM

Jason you need to listen to Ray. People must be ready. You have not developed enough to understand that people cannot use or understand things  and it cam harm in ways you cannot at this time understand.  I was like you once. And I have had more supernatural experiences than you can imagine   with eyewitnesses. Including teleporting my physical body instantly.  Healing people instantly.  I know how things work. Far beyond what you can imagine 


Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 11 at 06:58 PM

You obviously never studied everything about it.  I'm shocked at the closed minded people trying to run their silly diatribes here


Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 11 at 06:53 PM

He never told anybody anything.  You need to stop drinking the kool-aid.  You know nothing about spiritual things. The greatest Revelation God has ever given to mankind is in the world.  Read the Marshall Vian Summers books.  Or you will be caught with your pants down like everyone else who thinks like you


Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 11 at 06:51 PM

You don't class entire groups by your prejudices.  You don't know anything about what's coming.  Read the Marshall Vian Summers books.  They will give you a chance and the way to guide yourself and family through what's coming 

Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 11 at 06:46 PM

Boy that stupid train just kept running over you back and forth back and forth.  You know nothing about trump you drank the evil kool-aid 


Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 11 at 06:45 PM

Like what?  I have done many supernatural things including teleporting my physical body instantly.   I know far beyond most because I look and I have been changed by an angel and taken into heaven fully conscious and wide awake 


Commented on DISCLOSURE 6

Jan 11 at 04:59 PM

Please Jason atop being immature about nakedness