Stephanie Farquhar

Zanesville, OH, United States

Jun 06 at 08:26 AM

Where is this located my friend has cancer and I started a gofundme account because he and his son had just lost their apartment in a very malicious way he went to court to fight it, and the judge wanted seven days to think about it. They ultimately ended up choosing eviction however, the strange thing is this the government sent him and his son both a $2000 check that’s great and all but when you’re homeless it kind of adds up pretty quickly with you know travels expenses food paying places to stay and so it’s not lasting them long and I want to be able to take the financial burden off of him, because he really wants to get into the system, but he is also a former veteran of our US military I’m just trying to find a way to get him into the EE system. I know that it already is amazingly affordable I just know what he’s going through is a lot and anything could help so knowing where this location is if it is doable within a certain distance, this might be a good thing

May 27 at 02:06 AM just in case you didn’t get the notification I am replying to ensure you see this! 🙂


May 27 at 02:04 AM

Awesome ok cool thank you I went to the right website and contacted the right place however it wasn’t through a direct email more so it was what they will get as an email but from their website I’m going to email the one you just gave me thank you so much!🥰


May 26 at 11:08 AM

Uhoh I went and googled angel studios and then went to their website and clicked on contact support and just gave them my email and submitted my request/feedback so which is it because I haven’t ever heard of this company before however Jason’s post said specifically Angel Studios so that’s what I made sure the website i went to said that I did a quick look over the website and it was what I thought was the right one? Now I’m confused and wondering if I even got the right place?
