
Jan 30 at 10:48 PM

AkhiNo need to lie about content you have never looked at. None is made up and all is sourced with proof. You look ignorant. This was not the first time he did that and it will not be the last. Its a movie, a show, to help wake the normies and get them caught up. While the war is dealt with by the BRICS MIL alliance. Meanwhile my DOD friend Dr. Jan has confirmed numerous times that NAVY JAG military tribunals are ongoing as well since 2017. 

Jan 30 at 04:14 PM

♡999♡ Also if you want to have a one on one session call where I answer everything and also give you supporting proof that is also an option, Book A Private Session:

📲 https://operationq.wixsite.com/coachconsultcounsel

Jan 30 at 04:12 PM

♡999♡ Russia is in the alliance with US/BRICS. There is a lot you do not understand. Its a PSYWAR. Psyops. NG is National Guard. If you want all your questions answered with proof then come on X and write them there so I can answer for many to see with proof. PSYWAR


Underground Warfare


Jan 30 at 04:06 PM

♡999♡ Bidan proof?

🔎 We Are Watching A White Hat Movie: The 2021 USA Inc. Joe Biden Shadow Presidency 💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/we-are-watching-a-white-hat-movie-the-2021-usa-inc-joe-biden-shadow-presidency

Jan 30 at 03:50 PM

♡999♡ this is why UN is paying and sending immigrants up the southern border and why NG was activated already. Russia has agreed to send troops to US if necessary to defend the border.

Jan 30 at 03:49 PM

♡999♡ White Hat BRICS Military Alliance vs. NATO/NAZIS/UN

Jan 30 at 03:36 PM


Subterranean underground operations. Do you know the war? It’s discussed in here. It’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s real every day military risking their lives for us.

🔎 The Black Nobility Jesuit Order: Founders of Fascism, Freemasonry, Illuminati, The Vatican & Zionism

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-black-nobility-jesuit-order-founders-of-fascism-freemasonry-illuminati-the-vatican-and-zionism

Jan 30 at 03:35 PM

I already explained in one of the comments I just responded to you with. The economy must and will crash. It is necessary for the QFS to be the only finacial system. Martial law lockdown will occur with the next fake pandemic that will be happening anytime now before the election. Remaining arrests will be carried out during the worldwide lockdown.

Jan 30 at 03:30 PM

Tap into your clairvoyance and see if you register that the real Joe Biden was executed in 2019 and the one you have been seeing ever since is a military and stalled crisis actor double, potentially even from central casting agency.


Jan 30 at 03:27 PM

It’s because we are getting closer to the military going fully public with the clandestine operations that he is now becoming more obvious that he is not really in charge to begin with.

People should get Jason to ask Ray.
