

Jan 30 at 02:45 PM

Bidan Admits Trump Is Sitting POTUS [CIC]

✖️ https://x.com/NotOpCue/status/1752114802778915196?s=20

On January 27, 2024 the Joe Bidan double knowingly said the quiet part out loud when he referred to Donald Trump as "A sitting President" during his speech at the first ever South Carolina Democratic party dinner hosted on CBS' affiliate channel, 19 WLTX. He did not correct himself either, but the fake news legacy mainstream media have been working overtime trying to convince the masses it was an accident and that he deviated from "script" by not saying former president. In doing so the fake news has admitted that the Joe Bidan double does in fact have a script to follow and he knows that Donald Trump has in fact been the real Commander-In-Chief (CIC) of the US Republic from 2017 to 2024. Even the White House released the official transcript on their website crossing out the word sitting and putting former in brackets.

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🔍"We Are Watching A White Hat Movie: The 2021 USA Inc. Joe Biden Shadow Presidency"

💊 https://humorousmathematics.com/post/we-are-watching-a-white-hat-movie-the-2021-usa-inc-joe-biden-shadow-presidency

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Rachael strever Garlic & Ginger

Yes in this article I have a detox guide for the mRNA which also works for the Graphene as it’s in the Vax:

🔎 The Adverse Effects of Experimental Messenger RNA (mRNA) “Vaccines” a.k.a. Injections For COVID-19 💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-adverse-effects-of-experimental-messenger-rna-mrna-vaccines-a-k-a-injections-for-covid-19


Jan 26 at 05:23 PM

The Clean Atmosphere Preservation Act

Banning All Geoengineering In NH


✖️ https://x.com/NotOpCue/status/1750624342231199978?s=20

As of December 19, 2023 the New Hampshire House Bill 1700-FN a.k.a. "The Clean Atmosphere Preservation Act" was introduced by representatives Jason Gerhard and Kelley Potenza to ban all forms of geoengineering and impose penalties for violations. The bill specifies the prohibition of intentionally released polluting emissions, including cloud seeding, excessive electromagnetic radio frequency radiation (EMR), geoengineering methods, microwave radiation (DEW/HAARP), solar radiation modification (SRM), stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI/Chemtrails) and other forms of weather modification. The bill stipulates penalties for violation of such prohibition including a felony charge with a minimum fine of $500,000 and/or a minimum 2 years imprisonment. These are the type of laws that need to be enacted worldwide to outlaw hazardous geoengineering once and for all. This is the change that everyday people can help contribute in making to better our future atmosphere, environment and health.

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🔍 "What Is Geoengineering: Chemtrails, Cloud Seeding & H.A.A.R.P. Weather Modification"

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/what-is-geoengineering-chemtrails-cloud-seeding-h-a-a-r-p-weather-modification

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Jan 26 at 05:10 PM

Graphene Oxide Cloud Seeding ❄️🧊🥶

✖️ https://x.com/NotOpCue/status/1750602760209240535?s=20

So here we have it, US20220002159A1 patent "3D Reduced Graphene Oxide/Sio 2 Composite For Ice Nucleation" confirms graphene oxide nanoparticles are used in cloud seeding operations. The patent owned by Khalifa University of Science and Technology explains graphene/metal oxide nanostructured materials are used for cloud seeding ice nucleation in artificial snow making and freeze-drying. Do you think its a coincidence that the mRNA nanotech injections were also confirmed to contain Graphene Oxide?

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🔍 "What Is Geoengineering: Chemtrails, Cloud Seeding & H.A.A.R.P. Weather Modification"

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/what-is-geoengineering-chemtrails-cloud-seeding-h-a-a-r-p-weather-modification

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Jan 26 at 04:59 PM

1960 Edition Encyclopedia Americana Refers To Antarctica As Having A 13,000 Foot Dome


✖️ https://x.com/NotOpCue/status/1750257329440735390?s=20

The 1960 Edition Encyclopedia Americana referred to Antarctica as having a 13,000 foot dome on page 14, also known as the firmament. The excerpt refers to an American Antarctic expedition from December 20, 1955 to January 18, 1956 to explore unknown landmasses in Antarctica. When they returned they concluded their expedition proved the inland featureless character of Antarctica with a dome 13,000 feet high at a latitude of 80°S and longitude of 90°E.

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🔍"The Earth Is Flat & Stationary: Destroying The Freemasonic Luciferian Globalist "Globe" Lie"

💊 https://humorousmathematics.com/post/the-earth-is-flat-stationary-destroying-the-freemasonic-luciferian-globalist-globe-lie

💊 https://giveit.link/OperationQ


Jan 26 at 04:48 PM

Freemason Dominick Andrew McGee

"Lucre" = Monetary Gain/Profits

He Admitted Being A Mason & Later Denied It, As All Masons Lie.

Symbolism: Eye of Horus, Hidden Hand, One Eye & Rings.

Ex-VP of IVOS Masonic Record Label.

Demonetized For Grifting/Lying?

✖️ https://x.com/NotOpCue/status/1750417360165498951?s=20

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🔍 "X-Factor Winner Reveals Worldwide Freemasonry Secretly Cloaks It's True Religion: Luciferianism"

💊 https://humorousmathematics.com/post/x-factor-winner-reveals-worldwide-freemasonry-secretly-cloaks-it-s-true-religion-luciferianism

💊 https://giveit.link/OperationQ

Jan 26 at 04:25 PM


🔍"Guide To Raise Your Vibrational Frequency & Consciousness"

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/guide-to-raise-your-vibrational-frequency-consciousness



Jan 26 at 04:24 PM

Disease X: Take The X "Vaccine" Or Take The RedPill On X

✖️ https://x.com/NotOpCue/status/1747421853482660308?s=20

What perfect timing in 2024, an election year, to activate another fake virus like Disease X to bring on a pandemic lockdown (a.k.a. martial law) for mail-in voting scams. Disease X serves many purposes for both sides, it is also a cover up for the sudden deaths caused by the mRNA nanotech injections. Calling it Disease X is a head nod to free speech on X (formerly Twitter), forcing people to subconsciously think to themselves do they fall for the X propaganda and take the X vaccine or do they go on X and take the RedPill? Wake Up Or Die Trying Season Continues, Choose Your X.

"Inevitable" July 26, 2021 - NIH / NLM

"Future Outbreak" November 21, 2022 - WHO

"Next Global Pandemic" May 21, 2023 - Vancouver Sun

↙️↙️Read & Share The Full Article↘️↘️

🔍 "The Adverse Effects of Experimental Messenger RNA (mRNA) "Vaccines" a.k.a. Injections For COVID-19"

💊 https://humorousmathematics.com/post/the-adverse-effects-of-experimental-messenger-rna-mrna-vaccines-a-k-a-injections-for-covid-19

💊 https://giveit.link/OperationQ


Jan 19 at 01:48 PM

You mean cousin? 

Also have you not seen these two proofs? 
