

Oct 23 at 10:06 PM

✖️ https://x.com/NotOpCue/status/1716552791424991720?s=20

Former CIA Chief of Disguise, Jonna Mendez, explained how she oversaw the equipment used by spies to conceal their identities, including custom made five-second masks inspired by Hollywood. The technology was developed over a 10 year period, allowed for full facial movement functionality (blinking/speaking), could be applied/removed at a moments notice and were specifically designed to be able to be hidden in the armpit. Unlike its cinematic counterparts these hyperflesh latex/silicone skinmasks do not require hours in the makeup chair to apply or remove. Professional grade hyperflesh latex/silicone skinmasks cost $500+ and are readily available online via Amazon, Hyperflesh, Metamorphose Masks, Real Skin Masks Company and The Masker. Listen to Mendez explain the ins and outs of these unique pieces of spy technology that can save your life. CIC Donald Trump has been known to deploy doubles with skinmasks for in person appearances due to the multitude of assassination attempts that have been made on his life.

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🔍"The Executed: Clones, Doubles, & Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasites"

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-executed-clones-doubles-vril-lizard-reptilian-parasites

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Oct 20 at 02:27 PM


Oct 19 at 12:13 PM

✖️ https://x.com/NotOpCue/status/1714846826837250533?s=20

Joe Bidan was spotted October 18, 2023 on CNN flexing the newest White Hat Military Alliance certified "Dog Testicle" stylized chin hyperflesh latex/silicone skinmask. As you can see, the name comes from the fact it appears there are two small shaven nuts chilling on his chin under a skinmask which were not there before.

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🔍"We Are Watching A White Hat Movie: The 2021 USA Inc. Joe Biden Shadow Presidency"

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/we-are-watching-a-white-hat-movie-the-2021-usa-inc-joe-biden-shadow-presidency

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Oct 15 at 01:19 PM


✖️ https://x.com/NotOpCue/status/1713391149186945158?s=20

Dr. Classen went on record to whistle-blow his observations while he worked at the NIAID/NIH from 1988 to 1991 under Jesuit Dr. Anthony Fauci (then NIAID/NIH Director) who was complicit in funding "Gain of Function" research at Ukraine bioweapon labs and bioweapon experiments at Fort Detrick. Dr. Classen witnessed first hand infiltration of the NIAID/NIH by Israel’s Mossad and since leaving has paid close attention to Mossad’s involvement in illegal US bioweapon activity. Dr. Classen detailed the complicity of the CIA, FBI, Jeffrey Epstein (Mossad agent), WEF and WHO regarding their collusion and conflicts of interest with the Mossad's plans to kill billions with bioweapons packaged as "vaccines."

Dr. Classen seeks to awaken the masses to the Mossad's intention to kill billions with COVID-19 bioweapon injections that cause deadly non-curable prion disease with hopes of ending the covert war against the Zionist Ashkenazi Khazarian Mafia. Dr. Classen concluded that the Mossad will not stop its Satanic murderous ways until the human race stops them. One of the Mossad’s main defenses is to play the “anti-Semitic” card using their "anti-defamation leagues" (a.k.a. the ADL) when anyone criticizes their activities. Dr. Classen elaborates by specifying the Mossad is not just a threat to the Goyim, but also to most Jews as the Mossad’s plan for a NAZI World Order (NWO) and Great Reset is mirrored after a previous attempt known as the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

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🔍 "The Adverse Effects of Experimental Messenger RNA (mRNA) "Vaccines" a.k.a. Injections For COVID-19"

💊 https://humorousmathematics.com/post/the-adverse-effects-of-experimental-messenger-rna-mrna-vaccines-a-k-a-injections-for-covid-19

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Oct 15 at 12:44 PM

✖️ https://x.com/NotOpCue/status/1713019826061369352?s=20

As of September 17, 2023 The Correlation "Research In The Public Interest" Report published "COVID-19 Vaccine-Associated Mortality In The Southern Hemisphere" authored by Denis G. Rancourt, Marine Baudin, Joseph Hickey and Jérémie Mercier.

The concluding remarks from the 180 page report verified the causality of mRNA nanotech injections resulting in excess mortality. The 17 countries studied (Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand, Uruguay) comprise 9.10 % of worldwide population, 10.3 % of worldwide COVID-19 injections (vaccination rate of 1.91 injections per person, all ages).

The scientific tests for causality were amply satisfied, as extensively demonstrated in these sections of the paper:

💉☠️ COVID-19 vaccines can cause death

💉☠️ Absence of excess mortality until the COVID-19 vaccines are rolled out

💉☠️ The COVID-19 vaccines did not save lives and appear to be lethal toxic agents

💉☠️ Strong evidence for a causal association and vaccine lethal toxicity

💉☠️ Causality in excess mortality is amply demonstrated

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🔍 "The Adverse Effects of Experimental Messenger RNA (mRNA) "Vaccines" a.k.a. Injections For COVID-19"

💊 https://humorousmathematics.com/post/the-adverse-effects-of-experimental-messenger-rna-mrna-vaccines-a-k-a-injections-for-covid-19

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Oct 14 at 12:19 PM

2057 - Sep 02, 2018 1:24:11 PM EDT

Ezra Cohen-Watnick


✖️ https://x.com/NotOpCue/status/1713080207827939511?s=20

Ezra Asa Cohen-Watnick (a.k.a. Ezra Asa Lincoln Kahlooni) appeared in a YouTube clip with JFK's grandchildren and mentioned JFK in his first major speech after being appointed to deputy assistant secretary at the Pentagon.

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🔍"Vincent Fusca (JFK Jr.) Spotted At Trump Pennsylvania Rally"

💊 https://humorousmathematics.com/post/vincent-fusca-jfk-jr-spotted-at-trump-pennsylvania-rally

🔍"The Lincoln Kahlooni Druze Minority Bloodline: The Jesus Strand"

💊 https://humorousmathematics.com/post/the-lincoln-kahlooni-druze-minority-bloodline-the-jesus-strand

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Oct 13 at 04:49 PM

Mark Archer no one in the same with Yahweh, as lucifer is the god of Earth, but not the god of all creation.


Oct 13 at 04:29 PM

Yes that is a good point, but further above that is the Light, Source, Almighty, creator


Oct 13 at 12:39 PM

✖️ https://x.com/NotOpCue/status/1712680660559696345?s=20

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🔍"The Black Nobility Jesuit Order: Founders of Fascism, Freemasonry, Illuminati, The Vatican & Zionism"

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-black-nobility-jesuit-order-founders-of-fascism-freemasonry-illuminati-the-vatican-and-zionism

🔍 "X-Factor Winner Reveals Worldwide Freemasonry Secretly Cloaks It's True Religion: Luciferianism"

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/x-factor-winner-reveals-worldwide-freemasonry-secretly-cloaks-it-s-true-religion-luciferianism

🔍"Q Anon Starter Guide & Deep State Connection Maps"

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/are-you-interested-in-learning-about-qanon-use-this-guide-to-get-started

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Oct 10 at 12:07 PM

Jane there is a reason Trump says he can stop the war in one day. Cause he can. With the EBS.

All we can do is keep waking people up and demand the military go public with the operstion, first restoring 2020 election.

Focus on raising vibration:

Guide To Raise Your Vibrational Frequency & Consciousness

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/guide-to-raise-your-vibrational-frequency-consciousness