
Oct 10 at 12:05 PM

Jane Bidan was fake installed to be the fall guy that exposes big Pharma with the deadly vaccines and also gets blame for the war


Oct 10 at 12:05 PM

Jane never say suicidal shit like that. White Hats are in control. The war is necessary and controlled. Necessary scare event. Israel for last. It had to be this way to wake the people and activate EBS.

Oct 10 at 11:57 AM

Jane the cabal has militaries under their control that are NAZI/Zionist. We are at war. False flags. People die. The war must be won by the White Hats or billions will die from the genetic warfare mrna injections that are coming.

Oct 10 at 11:53 AM

Read the first full article at bottom of post, minimum to get more context. Basically Trump is running the Bidan presidency. He never stopped being CIC.

Kimber Rayna we cannot all coexist when they believe in sacrificing children to moloch... they are Luciferians who practice black magick Kabbalah witchcraft.

Kimber Rayna the amount of fake footage being exposed on X is much more than the fake footage of Ukraine. The real war is underground. Surface level false flags are cover ups. There might be some casualties, but it’s few to none.

It matters. It’s not bad timing it’s perfect timing. Q said Israel for last. We are there now. White hats are running the show including the war. Most is fake optics. It’s a false flag. Some buildings maybe were planned demolitions.

We are not all Gods people because some believe in God and some believe in Satan as their god.



Oct 09 at 07:18 PM

🚫🇮🇱🚫 The True Israelites 🚫🇮🇱🚫

✖️ https://x.com/NotOpCue/status/1711063517497839764?s=20

The Luciferian fake Jewish Ashkenazi Khazarian Mafia (KM / a.k.a. The Synagogue Of Satan) would like the world to believe that "Jews" are the only real Israelites. They cloak themselves with the Jewish religion (Judaism) to hide their rituals (Black Magik, Kabbalah and witchcraft) and true Babylonian Canaanite Luciferian Satanic roots (sacrificing to / worshipping Luciferian deities like Baal, Baphomet, Beelzebub, Hades, Lucifer, Moloch, Satan and the Devil). They invented the term "Anti-Semitic" to discredit any claim that attempts to expose the fake Jews, false Israelites or the Khazarian Mafia. The people from Israel claiming to be "God's Chosen People" are in actuality false Israelites that descend from Canaan, Ashkenaz, Ishmael and Esau.


🔍 The Black Nobility Jesuit Order

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-black-nobility-jesuit-order-founders-of-fascism-freemasonry-illuminati-the-vatican-and-zionism

🔍 Druze Bloodline Jesus Strand

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-lincoln-kahlooni-druze-minority-bloodline-the-jesus-strand

🔍 Connection Maps

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/are-you-interested-in-learning-about-qanon-use-this-guide-to-get-started

💊 https://giveit.link/OperationQ



Oct 09 at 05:36 PM

Presidential Seal & "The President" Title

✖️ https://x.com/NotOpCue/status/1711439009119875212?s=20

Yet again in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire On RSBN October 9, 2023, (CIC) President Donald Trump provided us another confirmation that he is in fact running the Bidan White Hat shadow presidency. In the full length RSBN broadcast around the 2:32 mark Donald Trump can be seeing proudly flashing the Presidential Seal and "The President" title on his folder.

↙️↙️Read & Share The Full Articles↘️↘️

🔍"We Are Watching A White Hat Movie: The 2021 USA Inc. Joe Biden Shadow Presidency"

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/we-are-watching-a-white-hat-movie-the-2021-usa-inc-joe-biden-shadow-presidency

🔍"Developing Revelations: The Bountiful NESARA (National Economic Security & Reformation Act)"

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/developing-revelations-the-bountiful-nesara-national-economic-security-reformation-act

💊 https://giveit.link/OperationQ



Oct 06 at 07:33 PM

PBK = -48 = McCarthy

✖️ https://x.com/NotOpCue/status/1710391846801744080?s=20

Patrick Lincoln Kahlooni (a.k.a. Patrick Bouvier Kennedy) has also played multiple roles in the White Hat movie we have all been watching including Michael Brian Protzman (Negative 48 / -48) and 55th US House Speaker Kevin Owen McCarthy. Notice the facial similarities amongst the 3, especially the larger ears which look identical and cannot be faked? If you ask me it appears Patrick used the Negative 48 alias to get out important information about his bloodline "The Jesus Strand" via The Sacred Blue Tent YouTube channel (since removed there, still available on my site) and then faked his death so he could assume the identity of a Kevin McCarthy double and play the role of 55th US House Speaker.

↙️↙️Read & Share The Full Articles↘️↘️

🔍"The Lincoln Kahlooni Druze Minority Bloodline: The Jesus Strand"

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-lincoln-kahlooni-druze-minority-bloodline-the-jesus-strand

🔍"The Executed: Clones, Doubles, & Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasites"

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-executed-clones-doubles-vril-lizard-reptilian-parasites

💊 https://giveit.link/OperationQ