

Oct 06 at 11:58 AM

WEA & EAS 2 Mins Early #QKnew

✖️ https://x.com/NotOpCue/status/1710100276143624479?s=20

🚨 Wireless Emergency Alerts Arrived:

⏰ 2:18 PM = 14:18

🚨 Wireless Emergency Alerts Scheduled:

⏰ 2:20 PM = 14:20

Q 1418 - May 19, 2018

Mistake or on purpose?


As demonstrated by Q Drop 1418, Q knew 5 years in advance that the Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) & Emergency Alert System (EAS) test scheduled for October 4, 2023 2:20 PM (14:20) would occur 2 minutes earlier than FEMA/FCC announced it would on October 3, 2023, occurring at 2:18 PM (14:18) which is known as a #QProof.




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🔍"Q Anon Starter Guide & Deep State Connection Maps"

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/are-you-interested-in-learning-about-qanon-use-this-guide-to-get-started

💊 https://giveit.link/OperationQ


Sep 29 at 01:37 PM

CIC Donald Trump Confirms He Is Still POTUS

✖️ https://twitter.com/NotOpCue/status/1707783594377093219?s=20

🆔 https://t.me/OperationCue/446

CIC Donald Trump has vindicated the claims of Derek Johnson and Jon Herold regarding continuity of government/devolution at a September 27, 2023 speech in Clinton Township, Michigan provided by RSBN. At 51:04 in the full speech Trump says "In my second term, which we're sort of having now, but I don't want the results right? I don't want the results of this second term, this second term is a disaster for this country. Worst President, think of it, there's never been a President like this." Trump is acknowledging that he is in fact CIC/POTUS behind the scenes of the fake Joe Bidan Shadow Presidency which has intentionally pegged the Joe Bidan double as the "fall guy" for making a disaster of the United States. This was designed to help wake up the masses as to what it feels like to be led by a communist/globalist puppet who cares more about funding a war oversees than securing his own borders. Q warned us years in advance in drops 4461 and 4951, "It had to be this way."

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🔍"We Are Watching A White Hat Movie: The 2021 USA Inc. Joe Biden Shadow Presidency"

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/we-are-watching-a-white-hat-movie-the-2021-usa-inc-joe-biden-shadow-presidency

💊 https://giveit.link/OperationQ


Sep 17 at 11:27 AM

🎬Central Casting🎬

✖️ https://x.com/NotOpCue/status/1702950322207936999?s=20

🆔 https://t.me/OperationCue/444

In the following "The Daily Show" clip from April 8, 2019 are numerous examples of Donald Trump referring to "Central Casting." Central Casting (established in 1925) has become known as the leading background actor casting company in the entertainment industry with offices in Georgia, Los Angeles, Louisiana and New York. Openly on their official website homepage they mention they provide hundreds of daily bookings for stand-ins and doubles. In the clip Trump specifies General Jim Mattis, Vice President Mike Pence, NRCC Chairmen Tom Emmer and Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh are Central Casting doubles, followed by "everyone is Central Casting" and "make a military movie."

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🔍"The Executed: Clones, Doubles, & Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasites"

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-executed-clones-doubles-vril-lizard-reptilian-parasites

💊 https://giveit.link/OperationQ


Sep 14 at 09:15 AM

No it was way too fast to be text to speech.


Sep 14 at 01:29 AM

John Fetterman Double Caught Using Teleprompter

✖️ https://twitter.com/NotOpCue/status/1702164394656854191?s=20

📸 https://www.instagram.com/p/CxKOUeWO71z/?img_index=1

🆔 https://t.me/OperationCue/442

In the following Fox News clip from September 12, 2023, Hillary Vaughn questions the John Fetterman actor/double regarding him challenging the Republicans to impeach the Joe Biden actor/double. If you pause the video when he holds up his phone several times you can see that he is reading off a cellular teleprompter.

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🔍"The Executed: Clones, Doubles, & Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasites"

💊 https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-executed-clones-doubles-vril-lizard-reptilian-parasites

💊 https://giveit.link/OperationQ


Joi Montrief I’m saying you are brushing it off way too easily. It’s a comm that JFK JR is gonna be POTUS when the war is really over. Not even Trump will be POTUS by then. Did you see recently when Trump was in a fox interview and he repeatedly said John F Kennedy instead of RFK? It’s on purpose. Learn the Comms.

Patsie Fletcher What do you mean not real it’s listed on court listener as an official PDF.

laura-lynn cause you never brodcast your plans to the enemy. Just like you have no idea he is currently VP behind the scenes of this fake ass shadow presidency.

Joi Montrief first of all you did not send the original official link to the PDF. Second of all a typo maybe occurs once, but not twice. Twice is intentional. Try again.



Sep 09 at 04:10 AM

Case No. 23-CV-03880-TLT Lists John F Kennedy Jr. As Plaintiff Running For President

📸 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cw9rAbtuXzN/?hl=en

🆔 https://t.me/OperationCue/441

On August 23, 2023 Case No. 23-CV-03880-TLT surfaced online listing "John F Kennedy Jr." as the plaintiff running for president as the democratic nominee.

Not only does his name appear once, but twice on the front page of the 11 page legal document making it beyond reasonable doubt that it was a simple misspelling.

This begs the question, could RFK JR. really be JFK JR. behind a latex/silicone hyperflesh skinmask?

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🔍"Vincent Fusca (JFK Jr.) Spotted At Trump Pennsylvania Rally"

💊 https://humorousmathematics.com/post/vincent-fusca-jfk-jr-spotted-at-trump-pennsylvania-rally

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