Jennifer Barnett-Johnson

Aug 20 at 11:44 AM

Gemini ♊️

Aug 20 at 11:43 AM

Mines the 25th of May

Commented on 🥰🫰🏽

Aug 17 at 04:20 PM

Right back atcha, girlie! 💜🙏✨️🕊


Aug 06 at 11:30 AM

When does this come on?

Jul 10 at 08:17 PM

Stay safe! Praying everything is/will be OK. I have no clue where she's from, so I'm unsure if the hurricane has already gone through there or not.

I'm a little bit north of Austin and we were all on pins and needles waiting to see if it was going to hit us, as we were showing to be right in it's direct path, but then it turned northeast. It wasn't even a month ago that the town right up the road got nailed with 2 tornadoes at once tearing up a large portion of it. Same with Houston, occurring at the same time as here and from the same huge storm system. What made things worse for Houston, with regard to the hurricane, is that the tornado that went through downtown Houston caused a very large portion of the buildings had their windows shatter due to the pressure buildup along with all the other damage that occurred. So I don't know how long it'll be before they can recover from the one-two punch Mother Nature delivered. That is, if it was Mother Nature that caused it.

Sending lots of love and prayers for those that have been affected from this crazy weather.🕊 💜🙏💜🙏💜🙏🕊


Commented on 💫You are enough

Jun 23 at 10:51 AM

I need that sweatshirt!!!

Jun 14 at 08:53 AM

I'm familiar with a few. I've only just found out recently how many people I've known that were involved in some of these organizations and never knew it. Never really knew anything about it for me to know to ask. It's definitely worth sitting down and interviewing your own family, especially the older members of the family. They are a goldmine worth of amazing information and I'm willing to bet you'll find out your own family history is more amazing than any actors with their made up stories on a giant screen! Interview them and record it! Our own elders want to talk..they NEED to talk, forever leaving their words immortalized upon the 4 winds.


Question for everyone outta left field..Are any of you seeing radom colors that appear in your field of vision and disappears after 3-4 seconds? It's only been happening for the last 2-3 weeks, but it's been happening pretty consistently since it started. It doesn't bother me in the least, it's just a little weird when it does happen, especially since I'm not sure the reason, unless they're subtle symptoms of vision loss. 🤔


I don't know who TLS reminds me of cuz I have never met nor seen any of them except for Jason. Ray and the Black Widow were only seen as blacked out. Jason and Ray may be connected to TLS, but they aren't officially part of TLS. Black Widow is the only one who is allegedly an actual employee. You're actually subtly asking me to have blind faith and loyalty to a place I haven't honestly and truly seen any real evidence of TLS. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying everything about UNIFYD and everything I'm learning from it. I'm still continuously studying everything, but, regarding TLS and what I think of them...I haven't had any relation with them other than just the limited things we have been told. I'm a very deep believer in all of this because my own life and the happenings have been unbelievable, so I have zero problems with believing, but the jury is still out on how I feel about TLS and their legitimacy. As I said, I have total belief in this stuff, but I also have a healthy amount of skepticism as well.

There needs to be a "still yet to be determined" option.

TLS aside, I very much appreciate everything you're doing, Jason! I love you!