Charity Hawk

Replied on ♥️💫

Dec 15 at 10:48 AM

Dec 15 at 10:46 AM

9•REC•9•LUV•9 wow! Thank you ! I email back and forth with a friend that has been helping me understand..all of this! And just this morning very early she texted me and said it was very important that she “delivers” this message! I’m paraphrasing but to the effect of the trauma I have not only endured but overcome was catastrophic but it has only made me stronger and closer to my divine purpose! As in still healing I need to share my experiences because the level of trauma I experienced there will be very few I can’t relate to in a very large way !

There was more it was long but I know i commented on this quote a while ago and I followed a notification going nowhere and found myself back here and for the first time read what you wrote so beautifully and elequently! I’m shaking, tears, confused, and in awe at the same time!!!

Your’re a blessing I’m sure to do many! But to me irreplaceable! Thank you from the bottom of my heat!

My ask where you got those words or how you knew ….

Dec 11 at 03:26 PM

I love that !

Commented on ♥️💫

Nov 30 at 08:50 PM

That just stuck like an arrow in my chest

Nov 25 at 08:23 AM

I like your train of thought !!! 💯

Nov 25 at 08:17 AM

What is your stance on “Hell” & “Satan”???

Nov 25 at 08:07 AM

Omg! I never knew how to/could find the correct words to describe what I was feeling! Because #1 is all the exact opposite of ..Me! opposite of the girl/woman I’ve known my entire life! I’m in tears cause ina felt so…in the wrong place! Or what was happening to me ?? Was it permanent?? Idk what to say or how I even found this! But THANK YOU! …

Nov 12 at 10:17 AM

Connection, strength, breakthrough, love! Damn every single one hit home

Nov 12 at 04:45 AM

I absolutely love adore Laura Logan she is so easy to follow because at the core of it if she speaks on it she knows it and it’s very informative! And Sean Stone is a star in his own right just watched BEST KEPT SECRETS and he nailed just about every dark corner possible! Anyways what a dinamic duo! Loved it ! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I hope they follow up with a part 2!

Nov 10 at 09:54 PM

Very well put!! Best I’ve heard but I’m the one that is constantly inserting humor maybe where i shouldn’t cause it kinda dims the complement BUT BRO TOYALLY SOUNDED LIKE CAT & THE HAT!😸🎩❣️💯