Charity Hawk

Commented on My precious!!

Oct 04 at 11:27 AM

That is stunning ! And I’m sure the photo does no justice !

Sep 25 at 07:10 AM

Asana Desiree i couldn’t agree more! I fell down this rabbit hole via the “The Fall of The Cabal” series! That was almost 2 years ago! Indeed I really dig deep and KNEW beyond a shadow of a doubt I could fathom eating ANY of it! Sad part is there is some sort of harmful ingredient in EVERYTHING including the grocery stores! It’s been so bad I developed an eating disorder because I can’t stomach thought of eating disorder because of it!!! Ugh this entire 3 years has been necessary but damn !! When does it stop getting more devastating?!? Lol


Sep 13 at 05:34 PM

I’m in the US!!

Sep 13 at 05:33 PM

Where are you waking up from ? Lol

Sep 13 at 05:32 PM

Wish there was a place we could speak freely with no censorship or close minded people! To share what we have learned and hear what others have learned


Sep 13 at 05:32 PM

I know! Right when I think I climbing out of the last rabbit hole I fall into another !!


Sep 13 at 05:30 PM

DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGY GUYS! But I agree the blue color is perplexing! You will see 3 street blocks of ash but 6 blue umbrellas untouched! And all the ELITE That own land take a look at their roofs !


Sep 13 at 05:28 PM

OMG!! That is the most torturous cliffhanger EVER!! Ohhhh Jason Shurka…I wanna be mad but we’ll played sir!!!! I was so into it and BQQM! 💥keep the gloves up and play fair! Lol ! Seriously thank you for all you’re doing!! I feel blessed to have found you and everyone at UNIFYD!


Sep 10 at 06:21 PM

Yes please

Aug 28 at 10:41 AM

This series is exactly what we (as in me. 😉) need! I don’t want to speak for anyone else but I’m at that point where I’m over the rabbit hole, research, rinse and repeat ! I’ve researched the “Great Reset”, Agenda 20, Agenda 30 ect at at nauseum and I’m always left with more questions than answers! My Bible says that this is the Lord’s battle and he has already defeated the enemy! So now I’m left one question “What is on the other side of all of this ?” An when God allows me to see things this is precisely what I’ve seen!!! You 2 are truly an inspiration in every facet of the word!!! Thank you for all of what you’re doing ! So excited about the rest of this series !!!