Charity Hawk

Nov 04 at 06:24 AM

Thank you for asking that ! There is zero question I’m an EMPATH! However my father is the mother of all Narcissist! My oldest sins Dad is textbook Narcissist and my youngest turned it to be because I refused to see the red flags !

Oct 28 at 12:32 AM

Amanda Grace just put out a PROPHECY from a few days regarding HAMAS and the the biblical connection ! It all goes back to language translation with the Hebrew text and etymology !! Look her up on YouTube if you don’t already know of her ! Her Channel is Arc of Grace! She is a beautiful sole a mature prophet and sone really good insight the the Hamas regime ! Highly recommend!


Oct 22 at 01:09 AM

That is so beautiful and so spot on! I have to say it’s hard course to navigate and come out certain that you’re on the correct path! I guess my first things I started seeing was exactly what you said “so much hate”! And it’s all manufactured by them and we allow them to control us when we buy into the narrative!! Once you see it you can’t unsee it! Ya know ?? And the only thing that keeps me from veering off is that Jesus IS LOVE! Doesn’t simply show love HE IS LOVE! And LOVE never fails!!! It’s crazy all the years I searched outward and all along it was right inside me! Plus my name is Charity ! Go figure !? Right !??


Oct 18 at 08:30 AM

That other text ..was the believer in you ?? Or the demons !? Make it make sense ! Because you do make sone valid points although I think could be presented a little better with a little more research ! But I will never turn down a new point of view! Enlighten me please!


Oct 14 at 11:01 AM

Asana Desiree Asana Desiree well I wanted to sit and think before responding because those were very loving and thought provoking questions! And I wanted to be able to give you an honest answer ! At least do my best ! I’ve never had anything ask me that way! Genuise! So do bars with an about to spill the tea ! lol

Oct 14 at 10:39 AM

Righteous indignation!! A language gap could misconstrue the 2 ! Just a thought ! Because it crossed my mind as well !


Oct 08 at 05:25 AM

Asana Desiree no I have not taken it nor will I! And I’m an open book ! What do you need to know ? Thank you for any and all help ! Even your response means the withh workd!

Replied on My precious!!

Oct 04 at 12:04 PM

Ginny Lyran StarSeed oh ok. That’s amazing either way !

Oct 04 at 12:03 PM

Asana Desiree no appreciate the love and support just that one message gave me! I’ve honestly never told anyone outside of my imiddiate family! And I went 100% organic in 2012 after my second son ! Worked out almost 7 days a week and wa#can single mom who owned and operated 3 very lucrative salons. Then fell ill was diagnosed 3 separate times with cancer in 3 years! That’s just a few but by 2016 I was so beat down and contaminated (for lack of a better word ) I just gave up I guess !

Replied on My precious!!

Oct 04 at 11:30 AM

Ginny Lyran StarSeed are the healing codes that she infuses them with custom to you and your journey ?