
Commented on THRIVE II

Dec 14 at 10:58 AM

This is beyond incredible! Thank you!

Replied on The Time Is Now

Dec 13 at 03:40 PM

Thank you THANK YOU to ALL the people who came out and spoke the truth. Thank you for the people who were on the front lines at the beginning of covid then lost their jobs because they asked questions or spoke truth. Thank you to everyone who continues to push through the narrative and fight for what is right.


Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Nov 14 at 10:49 AM

Thank you for your kind words, Michelle. They made me smile. Some days are better than others, and knowing what we know makes everything feel that much deeper. For years I've been slowly waking up and now I'm in the thick of it. Thank goodness for this forum. Very nice to meet you.


Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 10 at 06:06 PM

This video gave me anxiety, I know the world is corrupt and I know this is all true. I believe we need a support group for those who are waking up. I'll be the first to sign up. Thank you to all the brave souls that have spoken the truth, you are warriors. We are entering into a different dimension and we must do this together ❤️.

Sep 14 at 03:25 PM

Gratitude Love Stength and Connection


Aug 19 at 01:40 AM

How can I help, like, really help?? I want to know more and I want to be apart of the people that bring the Earth back to itself. Thank you Dr. Greer and thank you Jason for all the hard work and knowledge you put fourth. The day I found this channel I knew I found my people.

Jun 20 at 06:11 PM

That's the secret ingredient, learn from nature because it's been waiting for us.


Commented on The Revolution | India

Jun 20 at 04:16 PM
