
Mar 17 at 07:27 PM

John Taylor did you read Ray's of Light? I think he's had so much thrown at him. In the book he's very skeptical l, so maybe you're right. Even to this day he has trouble believing everything, IDK. There is so much to learn after the vail is lifted its overwhelming. I feel in my heart this is real, but at times I question things.

Mar 12 at 03:16 AM

So many comments, I hope this one gets a chance 😄 I was surprised and a bit confused when Ray declined to talk about Moses. He said your viewers would get really upset etc. We are literally here to learn as much as we can, and after all that has been revealed thus far why would he not tell us about the real Moses? Correct me if I'm wrong, but we're well aware somethings might shock us. We are also aware we can choose not to believe it or have a different opinion. So I'm just really confused why he didn't go deeper into that subject, especially when Jason asked him more than once. Does anyone else feel that way? I still very much enjoyed this interview and have nothing but respect for both Jason and Ray.

Thank you, Jason! Another great discussion 👍 👏 👌 😀


Feb 02 at 01:06 AM

It is sometimes scary and lonely being awake, but I am grateful to be where I am 🙏

Feb 01 at 12:32 AM

Looks open to me, maybe they reopened?

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Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 30 at 10:10 AM

I'm currently in the middle of reading Rays of Light and can I just say, Ray is a smart and funny man. I feel like I know him and can relate to his sense of humor 😂 fascinating book so far. Ray, I really appreciate you releasing this book even though you really didn't want to. I believe a lot of us are ready to receive this information and for those who aren't that's okay, it is not their time yet.

Jan 10 at 02:02 PM

Incredible! I first listened to this on YouTube a few months ago and now I'm ready to listen to it again on this amazing platform. All the information was flowing through me and I couldn't get enough. May God bless each and everyone with this knowledge 🙏 ✨️


Dec 19 at 02:48 PM

Question: it's a little intimidating asking a question (it's not you at all, I'm just in awe of all the knowledge I've obtained in this channel.) Well, I guess I'll pick my favorite question from my slew of questions 😃 Jesus God and mother Mary can you please clarify to the best to your ability their story? Is Jesus the son of God and Mary the mother of Jesus? I feel extremely guilty even asking as I was brought up Catholic. Thank you 😊 💓

Dec 18 at 04:54 PM

Looking forward to it!


Dec 17 at 12:35 AM

Chicago IL 💗🙏
