Jessica urffer

Allentown, PA, United States

May 08 at 08:00 AM

Is there anything that methane blue will complicate with healing from these

May 08 at 07:58 AM

How does using the nicotine patch counter the reactions for The receptors in the body with the nicotinic receptors and are there other things that we can take to get these other receptors to drop this and allow it to pass through the body out of the body if the receptors are not clinging on to these is there a possibility to remove the virus from the body

Mar 17 at 04:17 PM

The universe will open up whatever you are ready for whatever vibrational level you're at it will make whatever is achievable at that level available to you if you cannot comprehend something in Spanish it's not going to give you Spanish speaking information so much is the same with vibration level one information that you can learn can't learn it if you're not on that level cuz you wouldn't understand it everything comes in time everything you need is always right there and more will become apparent as you progress in your understanding really just like you can't teach a infant calculus before you teach it basic math


Mar 17 at 04:08 PM

John Taylor  when you reincarnate you come back for further learning their aspects of everyone that need fine tuning or just to be a part of the Ascension process I'm 24d and I am here we have no memory when we come here as a reincarnated we take a sole path of learning and we bring with us a consciousness level that is our souls consciousness there some people have had many levels cleared and have some yet to achieve it's like a school keep coming back till you master each one or once mastered to teach everything is learning even in teaching think of it like this if you wanted to affect the world you have to be a part of it if you want people to know truth you have to show it live it rather when you're living the truth it's hard to deny it there are so many people that demonstrate God like actions that people label as a superhero or something of the sort but nobody realizes that all of these things are attainable by everyone it's just in mastering yourself and your own mind that they become part

Mar 17 at 04:06 PM

Stephanie Ann Giroux much like electricity it does not take a form so to have a gender in heaven as you call it makes no sense when you are in a lesser State like a 5G or a six or seven g instead of an etheric level of being you take on a form of what you choose whether it be male or female anything higher would not have a form it would be Spirit it would be energy there would be no male or female just as a name is only in the form of a vibration.. imagine a life where you have no eyes to see but yet your awareness is what you rely on what if in a world there was no hearing you rely on your mind to know what if in a world there was no smell rely on taste but can you taste anything if you cannot smell doubtful if you take the senses of the touch away how do you feel there are parts of the mind that we have not developed when you're dreaming we see physical bodies when your eyes are closed you can only sense a presence if you couldn't smell and couldn't hear would you know who that presence was ?