Milan Jus

Apr 18 at 04:12 AM

Sorry but how made you a expert???


Apr 18 at 04:11 AM

Flat earth pls is like they say the Globe 🌍 is flat come on nothing to discuss here way is the moon 🌒 round????? Sun 🌞 every planet 🪐 90% of them are round


Apr 18 at 04:08 AM

Tell Ray he needs to meet his master 😘❤️❤️💯❤️


Apr 18 at 04:07 AM

Love awakening and spiritual growth and Jason’s pocket get bigger and bigger 😜🐣🇪🇺😂😂


Apr 18 at 04:05 AM

FAKE pls people don’t destroy this platform it’s ego let it go pls


Apr 18 at 04:04 AM

This is old and fake

Apr 15 at 10:33 PM


Replied on post was deleted

Apr 11 at 04:48 PM

Way not Armeik or Sand script???

Way Hebrew?? Is it because of Jason Or Ray pls explain??

Apr 08 at 01:36 PM



Mar 28 at 07:15 PM
