
Ormond Beach, FL, United States

Apr 27 at 10:09 PM

Pineal Gland IS your Third Eye..just clarifying ..

Apr 27 at 02:53 AM

Moon Landing was faked its confirmed everyone knows Stanley Kubrick was commissioned to film it and the Appollo missions too..climate change is a hoax. Like I said if they can get you to believe in something that goes against all of your intuitions and instincts they can get you to believe anything. Like science. All lies that fluctuate according to what lies we uncover..


Apr 27 at 02:45 AM

Kimberly Kinseth respectively, do you have one piece of evidence that the earth is a spinning ball flying through space? One piece of evidence that you came up with that solidifies the heliocentric model that doesn't require you to believe what someone else told you?just one. If they can get you to ignore your God given intuition that tells you that your not spinning 666 thousand mph and the oceans are just sticking to the ball they can get you to believe anything..I can give you a ton of evidence to support the flat stationary plane just saying respectively..

Apr 26 at 07:54 AM

Even the architecture has been part of the demoralization agenda right angles are unnatural it should flow with the landscape it did in past civilization..


Apr 25 at 11:52 PM

Cindy ghysel this is how Gematria works those words and phrases are the same as your name 986 there are many more I didn't list them all there are too many to list..it can tell a story or make correlations or just blow your mind.. like for me my name and "Medusa Tattoo" are the same value in Gematria and I have a Medusa sleeve on my right arm ..

Apr 24 at 02:12 PM

Yeah they're removing us from the planet..how do you seperate humans from the planet?

Remove their humanity..and they've done it with the vaccine..the ones that took it have destroyed DNA ..and they shed..they've relaxed informed consent so they could put the vaccine in our food and in the air so this is it for us. Unfortunately. They're not done either the world economic forum says they are going to remove 80% of the population in the next couple of years so this is a time when not having discernment can get you killed everyone be careful may God keep you safe.


Apr 24 at 07:16 AM

The world is a stage and the veil is being lifted..the darkness will now come to light faster every single day the celebrities are part of the agenda they are basically indoctrination and brainwashing tools for the elite they don't get there by accident and they are all involved if they're not you see them on the fringes and they make it known that they're out they don't associate with the industry. Of course the Royals are involved in human trafficking they are the biggest part of it


Apr 23 at 09:14 PM

Seth Ricord / Rikkon I just asked for access

Apr 23 at 09:11 PM

Seth Ricord / Rikkon it said ask you for access if it's google drive it does that

Apr 23 at 07:48 PM

Seth Ricord / Rikkon bro I can't access it