Milan Jus

Apr 18 at 04:16 AM

#655321 crowded if you place all mankind In on continent then the reast of the world is eamty of people. So the lie is that we are not over crowded pls take care Love ❤️ and Respect


Apr 18 at 04:12 AM

Sorry but how made you a expert???


Apr 18 at 04:11 AM

Flat earth pls is like they say the Globe 🌍 is flat come on nothing to discuss here way is the moon 🌒 round????? Sun 🌞 every planet 🪐 90% of them are round


Apr 18 at 04:08 AM

Tell Ray he needs to meet his master 😘❤️❤️💯❤️


Apr 18 at 04:07 AM

Love awakening and spiritual growth and Jason’s pocket get bigger and bigger 😜🐣🇪🇺😂😂


Apr 18 at 04:05 AM

FAKE pls people don’t destroy this platform it’s ego let it go pls


Apr 18 at 04:04 AM

This is old and fake

Apr 15 at 10:33 PM


Replied on post was deleted

Apr 11 at 04:48 PM

Way not Armeik or Sand script???

Way Hebrew?? Is it because of Jason Or Ray pls explain??

Apr 08 at 01:36 PM

