Milan Jus

Mar 11 at 11:50 PM




Feb 17 at 05:28 PM

I will destroy them

Cate after 9monthes I now that iam not and this world is not just black and white so tomorrow iam going to a man that will theche me / help me whit the spiritual world because what I have seen and experienced has been draining me mentally and emotionally and financially so at the same time I just walked in to Jason and UNifydtv.

And noticed that I was growing in the dark at the same time sorry to speak like this but I am tierd and don’t want to change back to the person I was before all of this because then she would already been burning 🔥 true my words!

Love ❤️ and Respect ✊ to all of you!


Cate my ability is to feel people’s energy and almost see what is going to happens before it happens.

But it’s not just him it’s a group of people/ individuals that has fysikly hacked my account phone computer and making a lot of shit.

I have explained everything before in this community so if you want the hole picture just read what I have written before.

Try to fool me to agree to stuff not just him a lot off them they think they have powers from Satanic rituals. And maybe they have but not over me because everything has whit the free will but I was low vibrating and in conflict with myself at the same time I helped a friend they first attacked it started with a woman he met she managed to put him in costudy for 1w and after that 2monthes in mental hospital 🏥

And he is my child hood freiand believe in God and we’re nice person. So I whent to attack against here and she thinks she is a witch 🧙 with great powers!

And maybe she is but 😂shit it sounds that iam crazy but after this

How do I apply for the position to buy or lease the machine??

Feb 15 at 04:33 PM


Feb 15 at 04:32 PM


Feb 15 at 04:32 PM


Feb 15 at 04:23 PM


Here you have more information I have allot about them, they have been attacking me for 9 months now send my friend to mental hospital for 2 months and I help him that’s why iam the target now and it’s correct that they have red triangle 🔺 as sin!